Vocabulary 1
Theories 1
Vocabulary 2
Theories 2
Illegal or unethical acts that violate fiduciary responsibility of public trust committed by an individual or organization, usually during the course of legitimate occupational activity, by persons of high respectable social status for personal or organizational gain.
What is White Collar Crime?
We were associated with 9 counts or security mail and wire fraud.
Who is Freddie Mack & Fannie Mae
Concerned with explaining the non-utilitarian, malicious, and negativistic character of some lower-class delinquency as an alternative way of achieving status.
What is status deprivation theory?
A related crucial source of information needed for detection, and ultimately the prosecution of many white collar crimes.
What is a whistleblower?
This theory focuses on crime events as a consequence of the presence of motivated offenders, suitable victims or targets, and the absence of capable guardians or protectors of property.
What is Routine activities theory?
Journalists who expose wrong doings by the powerful and privileged.
What are muckrakers?
This is how Sutherland characterized white collar crime.
What is organized crime?
Contends that the particular form of illegal conduct, whether it be theft, drug dealing, or gang conflict, is significantly a function of the structure of opportunity.
What is Differential opportunity theory?
Provides criminal justice system personnel with information that an lead to the arrest, indictment, and conviction of law violators.
What is an informant?
This theory reverses the conventional question of why someone engages in criminal behavior and instead asks why someone DOES NOT engage in criminal behavior.
What is Social control theory?
A method that systematically analyzes the representation of something in the media to find underlying forms and structures in social communication.
What is content analysis?
Revitalized an 1860s law offering whistleblowers a monetary reward in the form of a percentage of funds recovered through a successful prosecution.
What is The False Claims Amendment Act?
This theory shifts attention away from economic status to a social psychological syndrome of experiencing negative emotions arising from strains (or negative dimensions) in one's environment.
What is General Strain Theory?
A critical criminological perspective that offers a particular viewpoint in explaining white collar crime.
What is feminist criminology?
This theory holds that crime & deviance are a function of the "control balance ratio".
What is Control balance theory?
Draws on the tradition of the natural & physical sciences, generally assumes that white collar crime can be studied scientifically.
What is positivistic approach?
The year that Sutherland released his paper on white collar crime.
What is 1939?
This theory sets the core theme that competition for limited resources in a society such as American society that puts such central emphasis upon the goal of individual monetary success will promote crime.
What is Institutional anomie theory?
Challenges strong tendencies of conventional criminological perspectives to impose meaning on criminal conduct and events.
What is postmodernist criminology?
This theory was used to account for "intermediate frauds" that develop in a business initially set up to be legitimate, but which ultimately engages in fraudulent activity.
What is Diffusion theory?
The amount of control one exercises relative to the amount of control imposed upon one.
What is control balance ratio?
Criminologist have generally acknowledged his as one of the most important contributors to the field of criminology.
Who is Sutherland?
This theory rejects the consensus theory notion of the social world as an organic or integrated system.
What is Conflict theory?
A combination of centrally owned and controlled firms operating in different markets.
What is conglomerates?
This theory states that the worst crime is committed in the name of capitalism: the systematic exploitation of the working class.
What is Marxist theory?