Most males (bucks) live about how long?
6 years.
How tall are they at the shoulder?
Approximately 3 feet tall.
Are white-tailed deers omnivores, herbivores, or carnivores?
They are herbivores.
Do white-tailed deer mate for life?
Average females weigh how much?
100-150 pounds.
Whitetails can run how fast?
35 miles per hour.
How much longer do females (does) live than males?
About 2 years.
Their length can reach how long?
6 feet.
What is their class?
The oldest white-tailed deer was how old?
22 years old.
Average males weigh how much?
140-200 pounds.
Are deer colorblind?
Yes. They are red/green colorblind.
What is their scientific name?
Odocoileus Virginianus.
How well do whitetails hear?
How many white-tailed deer live in the USA?
About 30 million.