What’s the mood
Sad and surprised
2 poor Chinese girls who take piano lessons
Who’s the author
Gish Jen
What’s the symbolism
the umbrella which symbolizes the perfect life she wanted
Inciting incident
The main character thought Eugenieleft her umbrella at piano practice
What’s the irony
The girl wanted an umbrella so bad but threw it away
What does the umbrella symbolize
The perfect life she wanted
Rising action
the mom is running late and the piano teacher gave her the umbrella she thought was Eugenies umbrella.
What’s the point of view
First person
What the conflict
The girl wanted a perfect life
the mom comes to pick them up and they get in a car accident. She then realises how much she loves her mom
How old is how old is the main character
Name one characterization we covered
A Chinese girl who who’s family was poor
Falling action
The family gets out out of their car to inspect the damage
How old is eugenie