This is the date that Tony & MaiKa did their Hmong Wedding ceremony.
When is March 1, 2025?
This is the date of Tony's birthday.
When is August 5, 1993?
This is MaiKa's favorite Korean Pop group.
Who are EXO?
This is how Tony & MaiKa met.
Where is Tinder?
These are the names of Tony & MaiKa's Cats.
What are Freja and Bast?
This is the date that Tony & MaiKa did their Civil Ceremony.
When is January 10, 2025?
Tony rarely goes a single morning without this drink.
What is Coffee?
This is the holiday that MaiKa's birthday lands on every 6-5-6-11 year cycle.
What is Thanksgiving?
This is the city of Tony & MaiKa's mini-Honeymoon.
Where is San Francisco?
This is Tony & MaiKa's go-to store for late night walks.
What is Target?
This is the date that Tony & MaiKa got engaged.
When is July 1, 2023?
Much to MaiKa's dismay, this is Tony's preferred phone manufacturer.
What is Samsung?
MaiKa went to South Korea in this year.
When is 2017?
This is the movie that Tony & MaiKa went to watch on their first date.
What is Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings?
This is the age difference between Tony & MaiKa.
What is 2.75 Years?
This is the date that Tony and MaiKa started dating.
When is September 8, 2021?
This is how long Tony has been a SPOM (School Plant Operations Manager).
What is 5 years?
This is the birth order of MaiKa in her family.
What is number six (6)?
This is the first state that Tony & MaiKa visited outside of California.
Where is Nevada?
This is the car that Tony & MaiKa dream of buying some day.
The date that Tony & MaiKa received the keys to their current house.
When is December 20, 2024?
This is the age that Tony was when he bought his first house.
What is 26?
This is MaiKa's favorite shopping store.
What is Bath & Body Works?
This was the city of Tony & MaiKa's first overnight stay.
What is Los Angeles?
This is the cause of Tony & MaiKa's first arguement.
What is a laundry lint filter/trap?