A funny, pretty, confident girl
Who is Lily?
Zhandi, Zainab, Elli, etc.
Who are Lily’s friends?
Mushy and beige
What is mashed potatoes?
Is making someone laugh
What is funny?
What is bored?
Who is Zazu?
A thing that you eat cheerfully
What is candy?🍬
Red and 🍅
What is Ketchup?
being nice to someone (usually) when they need it.
What is kindness?
What is silly?
Having family that are around you’re age
What is being a cousin?
A place I go that sells my favorite type of drink.
What is Niko Niko Boba?
My pet peeve
What is people being disgusting?
Being good at something in an educational way
What is smart?
What is “boom bastic side-eyeing”?
Going to a school as a learner.
What is being a scholar?
my favorite book series
What is Warrior cats?
My least favorite gym game
What is trench?
Having admirers.
What is being pretty?
What is happy?
Obsessed with ____?
What is Christmas?
Furry mammals with pointy ears
What are cats?
always in the way of my fav holiday
What is thanksgiving?
being known by the entire school, having lots of friends/admirer.
What is being popular?
What is being nerdy?