What is my dream car ?
What was the name of my first stuff animal ?
Baby bear
What is my least favorite food ?
What was my favorite tv show growing up ?
Dora the explore
Who are my fav two Disney princesses ?
Double jeopardy
Why are they my favorite ?
Snow White and Rapunzel
Snow White because of her seven dwarfs
Rapunzel because of her flower
What is my favorite color ?
What was my nickname growing up ?
What is favorite food ?
What is my fav Christmas movie ?
Double jeopardy
what is my fav scene. Bouns 100 if you can reenact the scene.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Ooh. Ahh. Hmmm. That's it, I'm not going.
What is my favorite Disney Villain ?
Evil Queen
What is my favorite shoes brand ?
Double jeopardy
What are my favorite shoes style from there ?
Baby Shoes
What did I burn in the microwave ?
A cup of soup
what is my favorite cake ?
Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting
what favorite movie series ?
Maze runner
What is my favorite food from Disney ?
Turkey leg
Who is my favorite super Mario character ?
What was my 5th birthday party theme?
Double Jeopardy
Where was it at ?
Tea party
Onna's Backyard
What is my favorite alcohol drink ?
Smirnoff Ice green apple
what is my favorite comedy movies ?
Mall cop
what is my favorite ride in Disneyland ?
Space mountain
When I started afterschool program what grade did I teach ?
Fourth Grade
What was my first pet growing up and what was their name ?
Water turtle and Max
What is my favorite Starbucks Coffee and Regular Drink ?
Double jeopardy
If you can get it word for word ?
Iced brown sugar oat milk Shaken espresso with extra Sweet cream Cold foam
Mango dragon fruit with strawberries extra ice double blended
What is my all time favorite movie ?
Pacific Rim
What is my favorite Disney movie as of today ?