The year Bella was born in (+50 points for her zodiac sign)
What is 2005
Bella’s Halloween costume freshman year
What is a fairy
Bella's current video game hyperfixation
The number of siblings Bella has
Bella's age when she first lost her tooth
What is 5 years
The dorm hall Bella lived in before transferring to Oakland last year
What is La Plata
What Bella (and others) always have on hand in case she gets dizzy from her POTS condition
What are salt packets
Bella's age when she first got her ears pierced
What is 12 or 13
Bella's favorite drink at Vigilante Coffee
The grade Bella stopped going to private school
What is fifth grade
Bella’s favorite birthday celebration from the past
What is last year or the year before?
Bella's favorite building/place on campus
What is SPH
Bella's all-time favorite Jellycat
What is Timmy the Turtle!!!
Two things Bella is allergic to
What are cats and dust
What Bella's grandmother calls her
What is Isabelita
The name of Bella's FIRE stream
BioInspired Robotics
Bella's favorite type of cheese
The name of Bella and Sai’s (iconic, showstopping, viral, creative, influential) Tiktok account from last year
What is "unhinged3116b"