What is the date, month and year that Chasidie turned 18?
What college did Chasidie go to for her Bachelor's degree?
University of NC at Greensboro
What country did Chasidie visit for her 24th birthday?
Montego Bay, Jamaica
How many siblings does Chasidie have?
What is Chasidie’s favorite type of liquor?
What street did Chasidie live on during the majority of her childhood?
Faucette Avenue
What college did Chasidie go to for her Master's degree?
North Carolina Central University
Where did Chasidie travel to for her 28th birthday?
Brooklyn, New York
Does Chasidie have any nieces or nephews. If so, how many?
yes. 2 nephews
Would Chasidie to prefer to have a pancake breakfast or an egg breakfast?
egg breakfast - Chasidie loves savory food
What west coast city has Chasidie traveled to the most?
Las Vegas
What is Chasidie’s profession?
Registered Dietitian
Where did Chasidie travel for her 26th birthday?
Las Vegas
What does Chasidie and her mother share? Besides their looks.
Middle name - Lashawn
What is Chasidie’s favorite thing to smell?
Her pillow
Name two of Chasidie's tattoos.
A rose
Joy of living statement
Infinity sign with "Chas"
Her bday
music notes
sagittarius symbol
What state did Chasidie originally want to move to before moving to Charlotte for work?
Maryland/Washington DC
Who did Chasidie go see perform for her 22nd birthday at the club?
A Boogie with the Hoodie
How many uncles and aunts does Chasidie have? This does not include her great aunts/uncles.
1 - her dad's brother, Uncle Jamie
What NFL team is Chasidie a fan off?
If Chasidie had to choose one thing to eat every day of her life, what would it be? Pasta, pizza, sushi, or tacos?
What job would Chasidie have if she wasn't a dietitian?
A nail technician
What birthday did Chasidie go to the strip club for the first time?
21st birthday
What is Chasidie's favorite type of beer?