spell Chrimeme's first name
Hyun (bonus points if you say it corrrectly)
other than books, what is chrimeme's fav type of media?
how old is chrimeme?
who is featured in chrimeme's bathroom?
Pedro (space daddy) Pascal
what is chrimeme's fav genre
fantasy (DRAGONS!)
what is chrimeme's fav color?
Blue (all the blues, but maybe navy or powder)
reality competitions (name 1 for bonus points)
what is chrimeme's favorite number?
4 (triple bonus points if you know why)
who is chrimeme's white boy crush (currently)?
Andrew Garfield
name a book pet peeve that chrimeme has (just one)
dog-earing; reading the end of the book first; thinking the movie was better; etc.
what was chrimeme's major and minor?
Human Biology - Cognitive Science
what is one of chrimeme's fav heist movies?
national treasure; ocean's eleven; italian job
what time is chrimeme's alarm every weekday?
7:33 am
who is chrimeme's celebrity crush (the first person she says)?
Michael B Jordan
how many books did chrimeme read last year?
when did chrimeme finish her MBA?
TSwizzle (i am just a girl)
which of the Chris's is chrimeme's favorite
Chris Hemsworth (evans a very close second)
how many books does chrimeme own (to the nearest 10)
what is chrimeme's new car and her name?
who is chrimeme's comfort youtuber? (like when she's down bad)
Jenna Marbles
what is chrimeme's phone number
FMK: Charlies' Angels characters (Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, and Drew Barrymore)
F - Cameron Diaz
M - Lucy Liu
K - Drew Barrymore
what is chrimeme's favorite book?
This is How You Lose the Time War