What was my favourite childhood toy?
Barney Stuffed toy
How tall am I?
Disney movies or Documentaries?
Disney Movies
Did I like art class or math class better?
Art Class
Which breakfast restaurant do I try to go to every year for my birthday?
What was I scared of as a kid?
How many ear piercings do I have?
(One hole = one piercing)
Purple or Red?
In grade 5, which fictional character was I in our Christmas play?
An Elf
Which cartoon character did my mom bake and decorate a cake of for one of my birthdays?
Tweety Bird
What after-school activity/sport did I do from age 10-12?
Which grade did I start wearing glasses?
Grade 6
Skating or skiing?
Which grade did I take French class up until?
Grade 12
Matcha green tea or Earl Grey tea
Matcha gren
What was my favourite anime TV show?
Sailor Moon
Which iconic hairstyle did I have from grades 8-10?
Emo side bangs
Croissants or bagels?
What halloween costume did I dress up as every year in highschool?
Black Cat
When I was little, and my mom made a curry I didn't like, what did I eat more of instead of the curry?
What was my pet hamster's name?
Which Disney Character do I look like the most?
Travel to Fiji or Europe?
What colour was my high school prom dress?
Hot pink
What iss the name of my favourite buffet restaurant in Ontario?
Wok of Fame