What are Elise's favorite colors? (there are 2 acceptable answers)
Blue & Green
Who was Elise's 3rd grade teacher?
Her mom
How did Elise break her leg? (give as much detail as possible)
She fell down the kitchen stairs in her old house back in Kansas. She was standing on the top step shifting her weight from her heels to her toes, and she tipped too far forward.
Who was Elise's first celebrity crush?
What was Elise's first show?
Aladdin Jr.
What was Elise's favorite subject in school?
How old was Elise when she moved to Spokane?
4 years old
what is Elise Alergic to?
wheat, rye, barley, and penicillin
Who does Elise currently like?
Who is Elise's favorite director?
Rachal Horner
What is Elise's favorite season?
What movie did Elise watch on repeat when she was 10 years old?
Mama Mia!
where did Elise get her Wisdom Teeth out?
Sacred Heart Children's hospital
Who is Elise's Disney prince crush?
Flin Rider
during what show did Elise sprain her ankle?
Little Mermaid jr.
What is Elise's favorite TV show?
Parks & Rec
What activity did Elise HATE when she was 3?
Getting her hair brushed
How old was Elise when she got her first medical condition?
6 months. pulmonary valve stenosis
Who was Elise's first crush?
Blake Spear
During what show did Elise get her first period?
Christmas Carol
What is Elise's Favorite Movie?
State Fair
What was the name of Elise's first cat?
how many medical conditions does Elise have? (25 points for everyone you can name)
10. (let the host check her phone for the names)
What was the name of the boy who Elise made out with in kindergarten?
when did Elise fall in love with theater?