what is my favorite car ?
Double Jeopardy
what year ? you can be 3 off
What is my all time favorite food ?
What is my favorite Soda ?
Dr. Pepper
My favorite hip hop Artist ?
The Notorious Big
what is my favorite movie ?
Nacho Libre
Who is my favorite Sister n law ?
What is my Favorite cereal ?
Generic Fruity Pebbles
What is my favorite juice ?
Apple Juice
My Favorite pop Artist ?
Bruno Mars
what is my favorite marvel movie ?
Double jeopardy
If you can guess why ?
Avengers Infinity War
Thors entrance
what is my favorite candy bar ?
What is my Favorite cultural food ?
Double jeopardy
What is the Dish ?
My Wife's Red and white Pasta
what is my favorite Milk shake ?
Cookies and cream
what is my favorite song in Nacho Libre ?
what is my favorite actor ?
Jack Black
How tall am I ?
5'8 and a half
What is my Favorite Mexican Food ?
What is my Favorite Mixed drink ?
Double Jeopardy
what is the name of the Alcohol and soda ?
Jack & Coke
Jack Daniels and Coca Cola
what is my favorite song ?
My other Favorite actor ?
Adam Sandler
who is my favorite lion king character ?
Double jeopardy
If you can say his famous line ?
Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.
What is my least favorite food ?
what is my favorite whiskey ?
My Favorite country Artist ?
Double jeopardy
What is my fav Song ?
Zach Bryan
Something in the orange
what is my favorite romance movie ?
50 first dates