What are Hollies most common nicknames (you have 4 options, chose wisely!)
Lola, Lala, Butterfly, Bear
How many times have a not dosed at lunch THIS SCHOOL YEAR
I think it's been about 10 times maybe even more hahha
Whats my favorite class of the day?
What do I look forward to most?
Seeing LALA and going to art!
also becky coming back :(
What are my 4 dream cars?
1. Yellow bug!
2. Jeep wrangler
3. Volkswagon bus
4. Coop
Autumn, Remi, & Luna
How many all-nighters have I pulled?
I believe, if I'm remembering right, 3!
Who was my favorite teacher LAST year?
Mrs. Johnson (creative writing)
What do I want to decorate my room as?
Retroooo things
Dream dogs (3/5)
1. Corgi
2. More lalas forever LALA GIRL
3. Old english sheep dog
4. Chow Chow
5. Shiba Inu
How many sweaters has Hollie had?
5! Halloween, Christmas, straight red, PJs, Best Friend Ever!
How many kisses have I had in my life?
0000000000000! I KISS LALA EVERYDAY
What are all my classes IN ORDER, subject AND teacher
1. L.A w/ Rich
2. Science w/Bostwick *gag*
3. Math w/ Southwick
4. French w/ Freeman
5. History w/ Abel
6. Health w/ Monson
7. Drawing w/ Monroe (however you spell his name)
To All The Boys I've Loved before
5 dream jobs? (must get at least 3)
1. Writer
2. Illustrator/ painter
3. Chef
4. Cafe/ library owner
5. Vet!
What's the exact date of Hollie and I anniversary?
June 26, 2019
How many times have I stolen something?
one was at Walmart, it was a helpless lose toy on the ground and me and Alora are parenting him still. two was at Home Goods I took a card but it was pretty and basically it was like a tag. third I stole a jolley rancher from that one sweets place at southtown mall hehe
How many projects have I done in Drawing class?
What's the next painting I'm going to do for MYSELF
Retro drive in movie
Dream travel locations (you must get 3/5)
2. London
3. France
4. Venice
5. Asia (South Korea, Tokyo, Japan)
What are the 4 main Hollie theme songs? (you must get at least half to get the points!)
Shine: Yoongi's theme, Where You From: BTS, Feeling Lonely: boy pablo, Born To Late: Dent May
How many times did I sluff P.E?
haha 0 times hehe
What are the electives I want to take next year? (there are 5 you must get at least 3)
1. Peer tutor
2. Student Aide
3. Foods
4. Baby development
5. Drawing (again)
Dream birthday party
Scavanger hunt around downtown/ district (its a competiton), then swimming and movies alll night in a hotel room :)
Dream concerts! (4/6 these are so easy!)
1. Surfaces
2. Borns
3. Khalid
4. Post
5. BTS
6. Rex Orange County