What is my favorite thing to do besides sports?
Go shopping!!!!!!!!!
What is my favorite sport?
What is my favorite drink?
Dr. Pepper
Who is my best best friend?
What is my favorite thing to say?
flipping, or fricking
What is my favorite swimming stroke?
If I could be good at one other sport what would it be?
What is my favortie food?
Who is my basketball friend group? (from my team)
Ellie, Kyra, Ruth, Isla,
What did a say that i get quoted on for a while?
That pine needle is really pokey!
What do I despise doing?
What do I always want after a basketball game? (food)
What is my favorite fruit
What is my best friend from branch?
What do me and nora always say like fifty times before going to bed?
Goodnight, goodnight
What is my favorite board game?
What do I always want after a basketball game (drink)
Lemonade from starbucks
What is my favorite movie
Top Gun Maverick
Who is my best friends cousin?
What do I always say on the toldlows chat?
What is the most annoying thing to me?
When people are cringggggee
What is my basketball pet peeve?
When I miss a lay-up where the ball slipped
What is my favorite skincare step?
Ice rollerrrr
Who is my best friend from church?
What did i say on pictures ending in fun?
Nationals fun!