What is my sense of direction?
Not the best, just mid
Do i make my bed in the morning
Do i prefer to drive or be the passenger princess
passenger princess
Go to coffee shop order?
vanilla latte or matcha latte
What is my biggest fear?
What was my best subject in high school (not your typical class)- think outside the box
What is the first thing I do when I get home?
Change into comfortable clothes
What is my favourite flower?
What do I prefer more: sweet or salty snacks?
Have I ever broken a bone?
What was my favourite toy when I was a kid
High school musical singing Gabriella doll
How many alarms do i have set in the morning (weekdays)
What is my guilty pleasure tv show?
The bachelor franchise
What is my least favourite chore
washing the tub
gossip is not bad if the information being told is true and accurately- would I say true or false
What instrument did i play in school?
What is a job I always talk about that can provide a lot of $$$$ in a few short hours?
Bottle girl
What did i want to be when i was a kid
what is my favourite season(s)
What is my middle name?
Ya Xin
What were my 2 goldfishes name that I had as a kid
Alex and America
What is a controversial habit that I do that people think is weird or just outright wrong?
Biting ice cream/popsicles, and milk first then cereal!
What have I been searching for every week at the bookstore/ BMV?
Banned books
Favourite type of cuisine
Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Italian
What is the last thing I posted on Instagram?
Taylor Swift Concert!