Who was I obsessed with during December 2024.
Shawn mendes
What was my first sport
How many siblings do I have
6 siblings
I love to watch Harry Potter
Yes I do
What is my least favorite food
Solid bananas
Who was my first favorite singer
Olivia rodrigo
WHich do i like better Soccer or Softball
Do I have my own room
no I share it with my sibling
I never watch youtube
no I always do😊
Do I like cereal or waffles in the morning
What kind of music do I like
pop and some kpop
Do I prefer Gymnastics as a sport or just something to do for fun
I prefer it as a sport
Do I get all A's
I have to watch baby shows because of my baby sister
Yes I always do😤
Do I like avacodoes
yes I do
Who is or was my favorite singer in 2025 January to March.
Katy perry
Which is better soccer or karate
How many schools have I been to
I watch only tv shows not movies
False I do watch movies
What is my favorite food
How old was I when I first started to like pop
6 years old
Did I do softball to get out of gymnastics
I did not
what grade was I in when I came to school
what is my favorite Movie
Harry Potter
Do i like sushi or ice cream more