What is Fiza's favorite thing to do
Play games or watch computer
what is Fiza's biggest fear
what is Fiza's favorite dish that her mom cooks for her
biryani or kofta
Who do I love to play with on moms phone
who's Fiza's favorite sibling
what's Fiza's favorite sport
What fast food place does Fiza hate the most
Mcdonalds or kfc
what's Fiza's favorite dish that her grandma cooks
kofta or korma sabzi
who do I love to play with in real life
liza and subhaan
what's Fiza's favorite color
what's Fiza's favourite memory
when we were at the cottage
what does fiza hate doing
What's fiza's order from popeyes
mini burger spicy with medium fries and a frutopia or sprite
whho do i love most mom or dad
what's Fiza's favorite movie genre
action or disney
what's Fiza's favourite fast food Hint: theres two
Popeyes and Jollibee
what holiday does fiza hate
christmas or st patricks day becasue we don't celebrate
what's fiza's favorite chip
masala chips
who do I love to sleep with
what's Fiza's favorite animal
puppies or kitties
What's Fiza's favorite person
her family
What subject does Fiza hate
Math or health
what's fiza's favorite dessert
ice cream
who do i love to play with at grandma's house
zohal hana or hawa
Where does Faza want to go on vacation
turkey or dubai