Amira's favorite color
How many siblings does Amira have?
What is 5?
How tall am I?
What show(s) am I currently watching?
What is Smallville and/or Merlin?
what genre(s) of music do I mostly listen to?
What is pop, alt-pop, indie, modern rock, punk rock, and folk
Amira's favorite season(s)
What is Fall and/or Spring?
How many cousins does Amira have?
what is 13?
How tall is Jayde?
What is 5'8"?
what is my Hogwarts house?
what is Hufflepuff?
what song have I been listening to on repeat for the last couple of weeks?
what is revolving door by Tate McRae?
Amira's favorite book
What is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott?
How old is my oldest cousin and how old is my last cousin?
What is Zachary and Kori?
what celebrity did I say I was related to me because of my mom?
what is Miley Cyrus?
what is my favorite romcom?
What is 13 going on 30?
how many concerts have I been to?
what is 5?
Amira's favorite state
what is Washington?
where is my dad's side from?
What is Jamaica and Guyana?
what genre of books got me into reading?
what is fantasy?
who is my favorite Disney princess?
What is Rapunzel?
what artist give me the most serotonin when I listen to them?
What is 5 seconds of summer?
Amira's favorite animal(s)
What is Pigs, Goats, Cows, Ducks, Dogs, and Cats
What is my sister's full name?
what is Jayde Lynn Jazmyn Francis?
What countries do I want to move to?
What is Switzerland, Denmark, and or/ Italy?
what is my favorite childhood cartoon?
what is SpongeBob?
who was my first concert?
What is the Driver Era?