What was Menos Worst School Year
4th grade
What Was the most humiliating thing that happened to me at a restaurant
Falling off my chair at La Sabor De Mi Tierra
Who was I rejected by
What's my favorite thing to order at dairy queen
Reeses blizzard
What's My Favorite movie
What was Menos Favorite School Year
3rd grade
what was my favorite birthday
my 10th when we went to boondocks
Who was My most serious crush
The Twins
What food made me throw up
What movie am I most excited for
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker
What were the names of my second-grade teachers
Ms. Cotton and Mr. Montoya
What is My favorite moment with you guys
going to the rock when we were all together
Who was my First Crush
What's My favorite food
What is my least favorite movie
the emoji movie
What Was The Name of My 4th Grade teacher
Mrs. Gauthier
What was the Best moment of my life
Going to Boondocks and playing laser tag and golt first place
Who is my crush right now
What's my favorite type of food
What's my favorite movie of the star wars saga
Return of the jedi
What Year did I Almost Fail
3rd Grade
What was the most embarrassing moment of my life
Singing in front of the classroom in kindergartin
Who Was my least serious crush
whats my least favorite restaurant
El Pariso
What's My Least Favorite movie in the fast and furious franchise
Tokyo drift