Fortnite Memes
Typical MRCP Stuff
Fortnite Life Goals
Epic Gamer Momments
Weapon Trivia

One of the worlds most well-known Fortnite "Meme God" also known as ______________

What is LazarBeam?


When bored to pass the time I will build a device to ______ new oncoming players.

What is to Torrcher/kill?


To win a game with only my _________ is not only dumb and a Meme state, but is a very Spliting Matter.

What is pickaxe kill only?


I go ontop of the _____ at the end of chapter 2, season 2 with james and we did what?

What is got ontop of the sunomi and swam?


Holding Seven bullets it does a lot of damage for it being handheld and is good for melee or short-range damage.

What is a Hand Cannone/degale.


When you are in need of a place to hide you go ____ ______.



When sees a perfect opportunity in creative I will ______ my partner when we are doing something productive.

What is to Eliminate/kill?


Have a bunch of youtubers try our in progress map Called ___ _________

What is J&J Gettaway?


I once was in a team rumble match and go my highest kill record so far in season 9 with between 47-60 if within a 2 kill answer either way it will count if exact add double.

What is 57 kill streak?


Sometimes used as an SMG sometimes used as an AR, this Gun is great for spamming, beaming, and pinpoint accuracy 

What is a Tactical Assault Riffle?


When facing someone better than you and you don't feel like "sweating" you will beat them with dum stuff in a dum way or to go _______ mode.

What is Meme Mode?


Daily Double x2 (double any lost or gained points)

Favoite creative thing to do is a daring deathlike couars, that involves a lot of jumping, or also known as a __________.

What is a Death Run?


usually done by trickshoters but I wanted to hit a 250 meter __________

What is a NO-Scope?


To become Thanose and ______ (emote) for the win.

What is T-pose?


Used not only for its main purpose but is commonly used to "faze" through walls and to hit uncommon amounts of damage per singular bullet.

What is a Heavy Sniper?


When you are given lots of mats/materials is commonly done on the edge of a storm and has a lot of risks involved.

What is a Sky-Base?


Daily Double x2 (doulbe score both ways when you get this wrong or right.)

When I get scientifical I wear a box and Some _________ and then apply a _______ just for the Memes.

What is some Balloons and a Bush?


Creat a fully functional map that cound get published with the name of _&_ in it to show I worked with my best friend on it.

What is J&J or Jack and James?


On my 11 birthday or Golden Bithday. I had an event that goes alone with my favorite skin. It was called the ______ event and my highest score was 27+ thousand.

What was the Hord Event, it was based on zombies and was a moving storm and was so fun.


Something that is not a weapon but a trolling device that gives unwilling players uncontrollable_____ until shot or time runs out.

What is a Bogie Bomb/dance moves?


When fighting a weak opponent and all out of ammo/ammunition is done in a may lay kind of form for the win.

What is Pickaxing a player?


When in a winning situation all someone has to say is ____________ and all ods will turn in their favor.

What is FOR THE MEMES!!! will turn ME into a sidekick as long as it is FOR THE MEMES.


To see and either die in a video to a famous youtube or to get killed by this Meme meta, rare skin wearing sweat.

What is Muselk?


As I fly I closely doge a Rocketlanched at me in a _______

What is a By Plane? (in between the blades/wings for BONES points) Extra 1000 if you knew that.)


Daily Double x2 (double any points you got or lost)

One of the most douted weapons for its singular bullet. But it packs quite a punch for such a low rarity.

 What is a Flint Knock?
