Kevin's favorite food
What is Pozole?
Rachel's least favorite season
What is summer?
The number of children Kevin & Rachel compromised on
What is 3?
The name of the couple's current loyal hound
What is Zuko?
The most common flower used in weddings
What are roses?
Kevin's favorite show
What is Avatar: The Last Airbender (Original Animated Series)?
Rachel's go-to karaoke song
What is"Let it Go" Frozen?
The name of the game where Rachel can consistently beat Kevin.
What is Mario Kart? (Any of them)
The location where the couple rescued the beloved cat Ty Lee
What is the dumpster by Walgreens?
The month in which the least amount of weddings occur
What is January?
Kevin's biggest celebrity crush
Who is Rachel McAdams?
Rachel's Major and Minor in college
What is a Major in Finance and Minor in Marketing?
The restaurant the couple went to for their first date
What is Taco Bell (Live Mas)
If Kevin and Rachel were to get another pet, what animal would it be and what gender?
What is a female dog?
The most popular city in the United States to get married in
What is Las Vegas?
Kevin's biggest fear as a child
What is the dark?
Rachel's career choice if not a lawyer
What is an at-Home Baker?
The most adventurous date they have been on
What is Skydiving?
The type of animal the couple will NEVER adopt
What are snakes?
The place where exchanging rings originated
What is Ancient Egypt?
Kevin's favorite drink
What is Blue Powerade (Mountain Berry Blast)?
The number of cousin's Rachel has
What is seven?
The accessory that the couple always coordinate/match
What are key chains?
The pet that Kevin wants, but Rachel will never let him have
What are ants?
The reason why the bride stands to the left of the groom
What is fending off other suitors with his right hand?