This day marks the day Ellen was born
When is March 23rd, 1995
This person's favourite moment with Ellen is her domination over Taylor Swift trivia at a themed party.
Who is Andrea
Adiós Canada. Off to _____ to be an _____ for a month!
What is 1. Spain and 2. Au Pair
The number 13
What is Taylors Lucky number?
Ellen is this zodiac sign according to the charts
What is an Aries?
Seeing Lana Del Rey at O'Sheaga was one of this person's favourite memories of Ellen
Who is Rainbow?
Didn't survive ______ without a fire alarm while in the _______. Currently outside with wet hair.
What is 1. Saugeen and 2. Shower
The month and year of Taylors First album release
When is October 2006?
KITTEN ALERT OMG this just made my night.
What is Taylor Swift's comment on Ellen's photo she tagged her in?
Ellen's go-to/favourite meal is this dish
What is Carbonara pasta
Who is Brenna
I scare myself with _______ _______ at least once a day.
What is front-facing camera
The song Taylor won her first grammy award for
What is White Horse?
The only instagram reel on Ellen's account
What is a video of Lorde (In Toronto) and Brenna eating Wasabi?
This place is Ellen's favourite place to visit
Where is Mexico
Drinks with Rauri on the town, and being Dominoes dip taste testers of wild combinations is this friends fond memory of Ellen
Who is Becky
Gonna buy some _______ to get the taste of _________ out of my mouth #health
What is 1. Smarties and 2. Vegetables
Taylor made an appearance on a this show in 2009
What is CSI
Doggos, Arizona, Watermelon emoji, Australia and a chicken leg
What are Ellen's instagram stories categories?
When is September 2018
Ellen pretending to be younger than her age to get into a club via stranger boys guest list and being ratted out by another friend is this person's favourite memory shared with her.
Who is Shyrie
I need to stop trying to ___ while watching _______ ___ __________
What is Eat & Game of Thrones
This man taught Taylor how to play the guitar
Who is a repair man?
Vampire Diaries, Jon & Kat Plus 8, CSI and Gilmore Girl
What are the TV Shows Ellen follows on Facebook?