What age is Zoey now?
What position does Zoey play in basketball right now?
Small Forward or 3
What instrument does Zoey play?
What are Zoey's favorite two colors?
Red and Green
What is Zoey's full name?
Zoey Sky Farrare
Flag Football
Who is Zoey's Favorite Teacher?
Mrs. Ring
What is Zoey's zodiac sign?
What is Zoey's date of birth?
November 20th, 2011
What was Zoey's volleyball position this year?
Middle Hitter
Who were the first two people that Zoey became friends with at Chapelgate?
Mackenzie and Lanay
What is Zoey's favorite movie series?
Harry Potter
What size shoe does Zoey wear? (in women's)
Who are Zoey's favorite Male and Female Basketball players?
Angel Reese and Anthony Davis
What animal was Zoey scared of on the Black Rock retreat?
What is Zoey's dream dog?
A pug
What nickname did Zoey's mom give her?
What sport did Zoey win a national championship in?
What name does Ms. Bayliff call Zoey in English?
Difficult Child
What are Zoey's top 2 Thanksgiving food?
Mac n Cheese and yams