1. Please, help, we need.
2. We help, please.
3. We need help, please.
We need help, please.
You receive the job offer of your dreams. How do you say you will accept?
1. I accept this job offer.
2. I am accept this job offer.
3. I want to accept this job offer.
I accept this job offer.
Your child brings a friend over who only speaks English. You want to invite them to stay for dinner.
1. Do you want to stay for food?
2. Do you want to stay for dinner?
3. Do you stay for dinner?
Do you want to stay for dinner?
You are at the store and you want to return milk that has gone bad.
1. Return this milk.
2. I would like to return this milk. It has gone bad.
3. This milk need to be returned.
I would like to return this milk. It has gone bad.
How do you ask Judith "Je veux apprendre la grammaire."
I want to learn English grammar.
You call the auto repair shop to book an oil and filter change. What sentence is most clear?
1. Can I schedule an oil and filter change?
2. I schedule a service request for car.
3. Can I get a date for an oil and filter change?
Can I schedule an oil and filter change?
A parent calls your cell phone while you are teaching. How do you tell the caller you will call them back?
1. I am currently teaching, can I call you back at 4:00pm?
2. I am teaching now, can I call you back at 4:00pm.
I am currently teaching, can I call you back at 4:00pm.
You need to tell your child's doctor that your child is sad.
1. My child is sad.
2. Sad is my child.
3. Child is sad.
My child is sad.
You are at a restaurant and want to see their menu.
1. Can I have a menu?
2. Do you have a menu?
3. Can I see your menu?
Can I see your menu?
How do you ask Judith "Je veux plus comprendre les types de noms."?
I want to understand the types of nouns.
You are looking to buy a new car and need the best price.
1. What is your best price for a 2025 Toyota Camry?
2. What is cost of Toyota Camry, new?
3. What is your best cost for a 2025 Toyota Camry?
What is your best price for a 2025 Toyota Camry?
You have a new anglophone student joining your Grade 7 class. You want to test their level of french.
1. Can you introduce yourself using your french?
2. Speaking in french, can you introduce yourself.
3. Can you introduce yourself using french?
You need the cost of a program.
1. What is the cost of program?
2. What is the cost of this program?
3. What is cost of this program?
What is the cost of this program?
You want to thank the clerk for her help.
1. Thank you, clerk.
2. I want to thank you for help today.
3. I want to thank you for your help today.
I want to thank you for your help today.
How do you ask Judith "Est-ce qu'il va y avoir un autre cercle de conversation en anglais, apres ce cours?"
After this course is completed, will there be a second English Conversation Circle?
Your car stopped in the middle of a busy road. You call Roadside Assistance.
1. Hello, my car is stuck.
2. Hello, my car has suddenly stopped on a busy road.
3. Hello, my car has suddenly stopped in the busy road.
Hello, my car has suddenly stopped on a busy road.
You need to remind an anglophone parent to pay their school fees.
1. Your school fees are due.
2. School fees are due now.
3. Your fees need paying.
Your school fees are due.
A store clerk is impolite in front of your child.
1. You are impolite.
2. You are being impolite.
3. You are being impolite towards my child.
You are being impolite towards my child.
You would like the clerk to reduce the price of a damaged item.
1. This item is damaged. Can you reduce the price?
2. This item broken. Can you reduce the price?
3. This item is not good. Can you reduce the price?
The item is damaged. Can you reduce the price?
How do you ask Judith "Est-ce que tu recommandes des sites web pour mieux apprendre la grammaire en anglais ?"
Do you have any recommendations on web sites that will help us with English grammar?
You receive a call that you need to renew your driver's license. You need to know it's expiry date?
1. When did my license expire?
2. What is the current expiry date of my driver's license?
3. When is the current expiry date of my driver's license?
What is the current expiry date of my driver's license?
You want to buy 40 staplers and 400 pens from a local store.
1. 40 staplers and 400 pens are needed.
2. I need to buy 40 staplers and 400 pens.
3. Does the store have 40 staplers and 400 pens?
I need to buy 40 staplers and 400 pens.
A parent wants to invite your child for a sleepover but you are not interested.
1. No, thank you.
2. Thank you, but no.
3. Thank you, no.
No, thank you.
You want to pay your phone bill at the bank.
1. Can I pay this bill?
2. I want to pay this phone bill now.
3. Will you pay this phone bill now?
I want to pay this phone bill now.
How do you ask Judith "Est-ce que je peux t'appeller pour jaser en anglais ?"
Can I call you to talk in English?