Tell me about it
Healthy vs. Unhealthy ways we cope
Reversing the anxiety cycle
Feelings can be hard :/

Share 1 thing since last session that made you feel good about yourself. 

woo hoo!! you're awesome, thanks for sharing. 


What is a healthy coping skill and an unhealthy coping skill? 

Healthy coping skills include: talking to someone about what's bothering you, relaxation skills, (deep breathing, grounding) exercising, journaling

Unhealthy coping skills include: using substances to feel better, self harming, being aggressive, (yelling, hitting, etc) pushing away/ignoring how we feel. 


How does anger affect you? 

You can talk about physical sensations you have when you get mad (heart beats faster, face gets red or warm, clenching fists) 

You can talk about what happens on the inside when you get mad (thoughts, feelings)


When you feel anxious, what do you typically do to make your anxiety go away? 

How does this keep your anxiety about the situation from growing?


Name a feeling you experience, but never talk about.

It's very hard to talk about things that are difficult, it's something everyone struggles with at some point. 
How do you show other people kindness?

How do you show YOURSELF kindness?


Name 1 healthy coping skill and 1 unhealthy coping skill that you know. 

Is this something that you do yourself? If not, what is?


Think back to the last time you felt angry. Can you identify anything else you felt? What was that like for you?

Use the feelings wheel/chart for some extra help if you need to! 


Can you talk about a time when you did not let your anxiety get in the way of something? 

What was that like?


What is something you would like to be more comfortable talking about? 

How can you help yourself get there?

Can you share something that makes you feel proud? 



What consequences are there when someone uses unhealthy coping skills to address how they feel? 

The problem does not go away. 

You end up feeling worse

The problem can become bigger than it originally was 

Someone (yourself, or another person) could get hurt. 


What do you wish you could do when you're angry? 

How could you do this in a different/healthier way?


Avoidance is a common way people respond to anxiety or other difficult emotions. How is this harmful?


Can you think of a time when you felt hurt? 

What was that like for you?


Gratitude means appreciating the good things in your life, no matter how big or small. Making the practice of gratitude a regular part of your day can build happiness, self-esteem, and provide other health benefits. 

Name 3 things that you feel grateful for. Spend time discussing each one, don't rush through just to get it done!


What are some ways you can remind yourself use healthy coping skills more to manage your emotions? 

Taking time at the end of the day to practice them

Make it fun to practice so it's part of your routine! 

Use youtube videos to practice grounding, mindfulness meditation, or download therapeutic apps on your phone to help you get in the habit of using skills.


How can you tell someone that they have made you upset without yelling at them? 

Taking a moment to calm down before talking to someone

using relaxation skills to help stay calm 

writing down how you feel


Challenge this thought: I'm not going to know what to do and I'll end up looking stupid. Everyone is going to laugh at me and think I'm an idiot.  

Even though I'm scared, I can still do this. I'm going to do my best. No one will be paying attention to me, and even if they do, they won't be thinking about it for long.  


Complete the sentence 

"Right now, I feel...." 

Is this something we can explore together? 
