Commonalities of Interviewees
Unique Responses
One of a Kind
Similarities of Reflections
Differences of Reflections
Name one commonality among group members' interviewees.
Each individual had received a Bachelor's Degree with a health related major.
Name a unique response from Dr. Housman's interview.
He is MCHES certified and found certification important to be competitive in the health promotion field.
Name a one of a kind response from Dr. Housman's interview.
He thinks that research is an important aspect of a health promotion job description.
Name one similarity between the group members' personal reflection to question #1.
Each interviewer wanted to better themselves for their future careers after the experience.
Name one difference among the group members' personal reflections to question #1.
Some members reflected on how their interviewee's responses reinforced or inspired their career goals whereas others focused on the knowledge they gained.
Name one commonality among group member's interviewees.
Job performance is partially measured by others in their field.
Name a unique response from Ms. Loisel's interview.
Her job requires her to be connected but objective with clients.
Name a one of a kind response from Ms. Loisel's interview.
She recommends entry-level competitors to stop being competitive and just know its what they want to do.
Name one similarity between the group members' personal reflection to question #2.
Each person found that their daily routine was not the same as their job description.
Name one difference among the group members' personal reflections to question #2.
Some were most surprised by the daily schedules of their interviewees whereas others were more surprised by outside factors.
Name one commonality among group member's interviewees.
Each saw their area of the health promotion field growing.
Name a unique response from Mrs. McGrew's interview.
She thought that with all the Medicare and insurance changes the career will be challenging and stressful.
Name a one of a kind response from Mrs. McGrew's interview.
She was attracted to her career because she came from a small town where nursing is readily available and a well paying profession.
Name one similarity between the group members' personal reflection to question #3.
Each interviewer saw their interviewee as someone to look up to because of their contributions to the health promotion field.
Name one difference among the group members' personal reflections to question #3.
Some focused on how to be competitive at entry-level whereas others just focused on the skills needed.
Name a unique response from Ms. Hoff's interview.
She emphasized the importance of adaptability and the knowledge of gross motor skills in the health promotion field
Name a unique response from Ms. Hoff's interview.
She brought attention to the issue of technology and how health educators need to encourage students to take a break from it and to go play outside.
Name a unique response from Ms. Haydens's interview.
She feels one of the most important aspects of being a health educator is loving and being involved with children.
Name a one of a kind response from Ms. Hayden's interview.
She emphasized the importance of understanding both short-term and long-term consequences of a person’s behaviors.