This is the spending limit per transaction
What is $3,000.00?
This is the newspaper that bids are advertised in
What is Star Telegram?
A PSK must be in this status to pull a Purchase Order
What is Approved?
This is the number of women who have held mayoral office in Fort Worth
What is 4?
This fruit is known for keeping the doctor away if eaten daily
What is an apple?
This is the banking institution the City uses for PCards
What is J.P. Morgan Chase Bank? (Will also accept Chase)
Buyboard, Omnia, TIPs and Sourcewell are different types of these agreements that the City uses to acquire goods and services
What is a Cooperative Agreement? (Will also accept COOP)
Under "Evaluation" at the top of the PSK, these are the two options that are available to select
What are Best Value and Lowest Responsible Bidder?
The Fort Worth slogan
What is "Where the West Begins"?
This fast food chain is famous for its golden arches
What is McDonald's?
This is the monthly spending limit for all PCard transactions combined per PCard user
What is $10,000.00?
Procurements over $100,000.00 shall consult with this office to confirm if there is a MWBE goal or waiver
What is DVIN? (Will also accept Business Equity)
This option will be checked-marked if it is a city wide agreement.
What is Corporate Contract?
The first mayor of Fort Worth
Who is William Paxton Burts?
This candy bar is known for its slogan, "You're not you when you're hungry"
What is a Snickers?
This is the annual spending limit within the Fiscal Year for catered food and beverages
What is $50,000.00?
To determine if a procurement is exempt, this form must be submitted and obtain approval by the City Attorney's Office
What is Chapter 252 Exemption Form?
To view the CSC, you are able to click on this link that will direct you to view all documents related to the PSK including CSC, amendments and renewals
What is Laserfiche?
Fort Worth is trailing on this Texas city for 11th largest city in the United States
What is Austin?
This green herb is commonly used in pesto sauce.
What is basil?
This is the email address that departments should reach out to with any PCard related matters
What is
CO-OP Requisitions do not apply to these 2 type of procurements
What are IT Procurements and Fleet Procurements that are managed by the Property Management Department? (Will accept IT and Fleet)
For a category to be added to a PSK, signatures are required from these two positions
Who are Department Director and CPO? (Will take Director and CPO)
Armour and Swift held this to decide who would get tract of land for the Stockyards for construction
What is coin toss?
This Italian dish was originally created in Naples and is now one of the most popular foods in the world
What is pizza?