Consolidated Intake
2nd Floor
Consolidated Intake
Darla Luther
Janelle Vance
Supervisor that handles upset clients for an interview-pending adult food case
Curt Anderson
Applying for Child Care
Child Care Application
**Bonus point for also saying MN-ITS application
IMU Processing
3rd floor
Adult Team
Stacy Ofstedal
Child Support
Amy Marty
Client wanting to speak to the supervisor for the amount of SNAP they are currently recieving
Will Haubricht
Applying for Health Care
**Client is not blind/disabled or receiving SSI
MNSURE Application
Adult/Childrens Investigations
2nd floor
Family Team
Bonnie Fisher
(For now)
Adult & Childrens Intake/Investigations/Licensing
Carissa Golden
A client wanting to lodge a complaint against their worker, Brandy Mullan.
Amy Marty
Applying for Health Care
**Client is Blind and rec'ving SSI
Application for Certain Populations
3rd floor
County Care Team
Kathy Douglas
Adult Social Workers
Dan Brouse
Refusing to talk to Dana Wind and wants the Supervisor
Lisa Monsrud
Applying for help paying for the Nursing Home/Assited living costs
Long Term Care Application
DEED; services for the Blind
2nd Floor
Long Term Care Team
Stacy Ofstedal
Lisa Monsrud
A client wanting to talk to the person in charge of Kim Meyers
Dan Brouse
I need assistance getting into new housing
CAF for Emergency Assistance
(Verify they are not asking for BI-CAP or Section 8)