Using your finger to erase your whiteboard is a problem says this student. That is why we need whiteboard erasers.
Who is Cameron?
Who is Andre?
Who is Christian?
This student doesn't want our pencils to slip out of our fingers and then we drop it so they asked for pencil grips.
Who is Nyla?
Who keeps losing their rulers and will need to measure a lot when May comes?
Who is Jackson?
We have people use glue sticks so much "the glue is almost gone". This is a big concern for this friend.
Who is Angelina?
Who thinks we need decorations because it "would look cool when you walk in"?
Who is Gekoby?
In this student's opinion, we won't be able to do our math if we don't have more Expo markers. It's hard to do math in our heads!
Who is Peanut Butter Cup?
If we want to do a project, this classmate thinks we need scissors because we can't cut any paper and they keep getting lost.
Who is Marcelo?
A class pet can help us to learn responsiblilty and we will take better care of the toys in our class too is the opinion of this kid.
Who is Logan?
We need ice packs when people get really hurt and because our heater doesn't work are thoughts from this student.
Who is Kennedy?
This person thinks we need more paper because so many friends like to draw or write stories.
Who is Tanner?
"Most people lose coats every day!" says this person. I think they made a crazy face while they said it too.
Who is Mollie?
If your books "look like a car that hasn't been to the car wash in years" talk to this person.
Who is Alex?
Who is feeling like an ice cube one minute and then sweating the next and asking for AC and a heater?
Who is Kaleb?
Who wrote that we sometimes get "dreamy" and need journals so we can write all our thoughts down?
Who is Evi?
We need "Water bottles! Water bottles! Water bottles!" says this student.
Who is Natalie?
These two people think we need backpacks because to keep track of everything on the school bus and folders so we do not lose our papers or they crumble.
Who are Anna and Quintyn?
Having pencil sharpeners is very important so you don't fail or get a detention according to this person.
Who is Oliver?
If the school lunches don't have enough food, you need lunchboxes to have extra so you won't be hungry says this student.
Who is Aubrey?
Who is Violet?
"Unfortunately Ms. Arena makes us write everyday" and so we need erasers is the opinion of this student.
Who is Rylee?
Who is Cole?
Both of these kids think that pencils are what we need. "Pencils get destroyed every day" and "the janitor throws them away" when they are on the floor.
Who are Henry and Aariyellis?
According to this writer, kids "can get sick on their friends" and new clothes, socks and shoes would really help you to not be stinky!
Who is Ella?