What is a listening comment?
A listening comment shows the person you're paying attention and care about what they’re saying.
What is a follow up question?
A follow-up question is when you ask another related question after someone shared something with you
It’s like when you’re talking to a friend, and after they tell you something, you ask another question!
Who is a social detective?
How would it make someone feel when they tell you "I love broccoli" and you reply "EWWW"
What can we say instead?
Hurt, Mad, Sad, Annoyed...
When the whole group is following the same plan, what does this mean?
How can a listening comment make someone feel?
Respected, Happy, Excited, Supported, Loved!
What does a follow-up question do?
1- It keeps the conversation going!
2- Shows that you are interested in what the person is sharing!
What do Social Detectives do?
They use their tools or their SOCIAL SMART to figure out important clues!
How do you think it will make someone feel if they told you about something SO COOL that happened with them on the weekend and you changed the topic?
Sad, Rejected, Annoyed, Frustrated
If you peer shared something so cool with you, and you are ALSO so excited to share something cool too. What can we do?
What are three listening comments you can tell someone if they tell you..."I am going to the beach this Summer"
"Oh, thats nice"
"Have fun"
"That's so cool"
What are THREE follow up questions you can ask when someone tells you "I went to the movies last night"
"What did you watch?"
"What was the movie about"?
"Did you have popcorn?"
"Did you have fun?"
What is social smarts?
Social Smarts helps us figure out what is going on around us!
What are TWO WAYS someone can tell you are thinking about them?
- Brain with the group
- Following the group plan
What are 2 ways you can do or say to show someone you're interested in what they are sharing with you?
Hint: its on the whiteboard!
1- Listening Comments
2- Follow-up Questions
What are four listening comment you can say if someone tells you "I love broccoli"?
"Cool", "Nice", "Great"
What are FOUR FOLLOW UP questions you can ask someone if they shared "I am going to summer camp this summer!"
"What summer camp are you going to"?
"How are you feeling about going?"
"When does it start?"
"Do you know anyone going there?"
What are the social detective tools (social smarts)?
HINT: we took them in groups!
Eyes, Ears, Brains and Hearts!
If someone asks an off-topic question, is there brain with the group? What would it make someone else feel?
Is a group plan only in groups or where can we also have a group plan in other social situations?
Classroom, play dates & home!
We are all social detectives, where can we use these tools? is it only in groups?
Home, School, Play Dates, Grocery Store, Restaurants...ANY SOCIAL SITUATION!!
What is a listening comment you can tell your peer after YOU TOLD them something SO COOL that happened to you at school?
"Thank you for listening", "I love how you listened to my cool story"