1500 ÷ 5
What is 300?
The game room is 100 square feet. The length is 10 feet. The width is...
What is 10 feet?
A class of 36 students is going to the water park. Each van can take 8 students. The number of vans needed for all students to get to the water park is
What is 5 vans?
4,593 ÷ 5 = ?
What is 918 r3?
The giraffe sanctuary collected $345,565 in donations last year. This year they collected $756,208. How much more money did they collect this year than last year?
What is $410,643 more?
300 ÷ 5
What is 60?
A basketball court has an area of 4,500 square feet. The length is 90 feet. The width is ...
What is 50 feet?
Mrs. Gault passes out popsicles to her class on Friday. She has 34 students in her class. There are 12 popsicles in a box. The number of boxes of popsicles she needs so each student gets a popsicle is...
What is 3?
363 ÷ 12 = ?
What is 30 r3?
How many hundreds are in 3,000?
What is 30?
4,500 ÷ 90
What is 50
A playground has an area of 4,200 square feet. The length is 70 feet. The width is ...
What is 60 feet?
Penelope and her two sisters had saved 1,115 pennies in their piggy bank. They will share the pennies equally and put the leftovers back in the bank. The number of pennies will they put back in the bank is ...
What is 2 pennies?
634 ÷ 27 = ?
What is 23 r13?
True or False?
600 + 30 + 4 = 60 tens + 3 tens + 4 ones
What is True?
12,000 ÷ 40
What is 300?
The stadium has an area of 435 square yards. The width is 5 yards. The length is ...
What is 87 yards.
To celebrate his birthday, Ivan’s mom baked 2 dozen cookies for him and his 4 friends to eat. If they all each get the same amount of cookies, how many cookies will each person get?
What is 4 cookies?
7,935 ÷ 21= ?
What is 377 r18?
What is the value of the 3 in the number 2.035?
What is 3/100, 3 hundredths, .03?
4,000 ÷ 50
What is 800?
A dog run is being built. It will be 40 square feet. The length will be 8 feet long and the width will be 5 feet. The amount of fencing needed to go around the run is...
What is 26 feet of fencing?
Tim puts his Pokemon cards into sheets in his binder. Each sheet holds 6 cards. He has 1,475 cards. If he uses all his cards to fill every sheet, how many full sheets will he have and how many cards will be left over?
What is 245 sheets with 5 cards left over.
8,604 ÷ 16= ?
What is 537 r12?
McDonalds makes 70 hamburgers an hour. In-n-Out makes 4 times more hamburgers an hour than McDonalds. How many more hamburgers does In-n-Out make than McDonalds in an hour?
What is 210?