Which is the whole number 13 or 1.3
Which one is the integer -9 or 0.9?
How do we convert a whole number into a fraction?
Place a 1 as the denominator.
What is 7 divided by 1/4?
A fraction is...
A part of a whole.
How many whole numbers do you see 23.4, 25, 18, 0.78
Two whole numbers.
Integers are...
All whole numbers and their opposites.
How do you write 0.3 as a fraction?
In the strategy keep, change, flip, what do we flip?
The last fraction
The decimal...
Separates the whole number from the part.
I have 4 hundreds, 9 tens, and 6 ones, what whole number am I?
Integers are not...
Fractions and decimals.
3/100 as a decimal is...
What do we change when we are dividing fractions?
The operation
KCF stands for...
Keep, Change, Flip
10,000 + 4,000 + 800 + 20 + 5
Give me 2 integers...
Which number is the denominator in the fraction
The 8
In a visual model, 3 pies are being split into halves, how many wholes will there be?
3 Wholes
Quotient is...
The answer in a division problem.
In the number 67.4, which is the whole part?
Natalie swam 6 feet below the surface, what integer is that?
Fractions are the relative of...
In a visual model, 3 pies are being split into halves, what will the wholes be split into?
Reciprocal is...
The inverse of a number; when the numerator and denominator are switched.