What year did WW2 end?
fun fact: hitler is dead
What is the code of all living things?
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington DC
What is the most sold video game of all time?
What game is this from?
Smash Bros bot tournament
Vilket år landade Apollo 11 på månen?
What disease killed almost 60% of all Europeans in 1353?
Digerdöden / Black Death
I vilket land befinner sig Bryssel?
what game?
Which Swedish king died in Norway on 30th november 1718?
1. Gustav Vasa
2. Gustaf II Adolf
3. Carl XII
Carl XII
fun fact: we don't know if he was killed by Norwegians or his own people.
What is it called when a cell of an organism doesn't want to die and replicates?
Nämn ett land som finns i Italien.
San Marino och Vatican
Vad inspirerade Witcher spelen?
fun fact: geralt of rivia is almost 100 years old
what gaming?
Huniepop 2
Whose death was the cause of World War 1?
Frans Ferdinand
what is the name of the only virus that we've made extinct?
Smallpox / Smittkoppor
what game????????? HMMMM
Cry of Fear
Vem knäckte den Tyska enigma maskinen under Andra Världskriget?
Alan Turing
fun fact: he was the inventor of the computer and the concept of artificial intelligence
During biology history, one virus entered a cell and instead of killing the cell, it started a symbiotic relationship with it. This virus is in all of our cells today. What is the name of this virus?
dis yuan kinda hard
World of Warcraft