
Fleming created this when he accidentally left out a bacterial culture of Staphylococcus which was contaminated by mold. (1928)

What are antibiotics (penicillin)


The United States Navy was experiencing trouble keeping important equipment steady on its ships, so Richard Jones planned to invent specialized springs that didn't end up being very effective in promoting stability, but he realized that they might be popular with children after knocking them over, putting these on the market (1943)

What is the Slinky


Spencer Silver created an extremely weak adhesive while working for 3M. Later on, Fry used the adhesive on his paper bookmarks which could peel off without tearing the pages, creating these. (1974)

What are Post-It Notes


During the dueling scene in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", when Snape pulls Malfoy back onto his feet, this kind of crew member can be seen

What is a cameraman


It took 177 years to build this tower before it started leaning due to the uneven settling of the building's foundations in the soft ground 

What is the Tower of Pisa


While working on a device to record heart sounds, Greatbatch invented this after he inserted the wrong resistor into the circuit. (1960)

What is the cardiac pacemaker


Originally meant as a miracle tonic for treating hangovers, a batch was made using carbonated water instead of plain water, leading to this popular beverage. (1886)

What is Coca-Cola


Hofmann synthesized this hallucinogenic chemical while searching for medically useful ergot alkaloid derivatives. (1938)

What is LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)


At the end of "Top Gun", Maverick is hoisted on the shoulders of the guys. His head leaves the top of screen, when he comes down, this is on his head, but it wasn't there when he was hoisted up.

What is a pair of sunglasses


NASA accidentally taped over this important event

What is the moon landing


English doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were protected from smallpox, eventually resulting in the creation of this. (1796)

What is the smallpox vaccine


Coover was creating a plastic to use in precision gun sights but ended up producing this, an adhesive which polymerized rapidly when exposed to moisture, forming strong chemical bonds. (1942)

What is super glue


When Epperson left a cup with a mixture of powdered soda and water along with a stir stick outside in sub-zero temperatures, he returned to find the drink had frozen over, inventing these (1905)

What are popsicles


In "Spider-Man", when Mary Jane is being mugged by four men, Spider-Man throws two of the men into two windows behind her, breaking both windows, but when it cuts back to Mary Jane, only this many windows are broken

What is 0


There weren't enough of these on a certain "unsinkable" ship

What are lifeboats


Karl Paul Link was approached by a Wisconsin farmer whose cattle were experiencing unexplained haemorrhages, and upon examination, Link discovered that it contained this anticoagulant substance that ended up being used to treat blood clots in people. (1930s)

What is warfarin (brand name Jantoven or Coumadin)


Percy Spencer was researching radar, and one day, he stopped for a minute in front of a radar set and noticed the candy bar in his pocket start to melt, leading to the invention of this household appliance (1945)

What are microwaves


Roy J. Plunkett created the this in a laboratory of DuPont while having been looking for a coolant gas. During an unsuccessful experiment, its gas solidified into a slightly waxy white powder with heat-resistant and non-stick properties which would later be used in both the atomic bomb and non-stick muffin baking trays. (1938)

What is Teflon


In the beginning of "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy walks along the pig pen fence and then falls in, but when she is hauled up, this continuity error occurs

What is her dress is clean


This disaster was caused by filling this aircraft with hydrogen instead of helium

What is the Hindenburg


This started out as a drug that was intended to treat high blood pressure, but several people who took this medication discovered that their hair was growing back, changing its usage to a hair growth medicine. (1985)

What is Minoxidil (Rogaine (for men) or Regaine (for women))


Dr. Leo Baekeland was attempting to find an alternative to shellac, so he produced a mixture of various chemicals and solutions, after realizing that this mixture could do many things that shellac could not (1907)

What is plastic 


Röentgen discovered accidentally while doing experiments on fluorescence produced in vacuum tubes. (1895)

What are X-rays 


During "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl", just as Jack says, "On deck, you scabrous dogs", to the very left, over Jack's shoulder, a person wearing these can be seen

What is a cowboy hat, short sleeve shirt, and sunglasses 


The reason the Turks were able to capture Constantinople is because someone accidentally did this

What is left a gate open
