This is the forward part of a pleasure craft.
What is the bow?
Anything condition that visibility is reduced
What is restricted visibility?
The age where you can operate a pleasure craft with up to 10 horsepower
What is 12 years old and younger?
The type of flotation device that are approved for all vessels
What is the standard type lifejacket?
The type of sign that restricts the speed of a pleasure craft
What is a speed limit sign?
This is a vessel propelled by machinery
What is a power-driven vessel?
A vessel that shall keep out of the way of another vessel
What is a give-way vessel?
The age with no horsepower restrictions on a pleasure craft
Wht is 16 years old and older?
The type of flotation device that is approved for small vessels
What is the small vessel lifejacket?
The colour of the border of a sign when a special condition applies
What is green?
The column of water behind and around a moving boat
What is the wake?
any vessel that isn't using propelling machinery
what is a sailing vessel?
The standardized speed limit
What is 10km/h?
The type of lifejacket that will turn you on your back in seconds
What is a SOLAS lifejacket?
The colour of the frame of the sign
What is orange?
The depth of water for a vessel to float freely
What is the draft?
The line marked on a vessel that seperates the submerged part of the pleasure craft and the part above water
What is the waterline?
The standardized power limit
What is 10hp?
What is the flotation device that provides more floatability while in water
What is a PFD?
The type of sign that restricts the power of a pleasure craft
What is a power limit sign?
This is the distance from the waterline to the upper deck level
What is the freeboard?
A vessel that has the right of way while meeting another vessel
What is a stand-on vessel?
Ages where a person can operate a pleasure craft with up to 40hp
What is 12 to 16 years old?
The percent of boating deaths that occured because the victim was not wearing a PFD
What is 90%?
The type of sign that prevents certain engines on a pleasure craft
What is a no internal combustion or steam engine permitted?