I believe the bible because that's the way__ _____ ________.
I was raised.
How many languages was the bible writen?
"I would no more defend the bible like I would defend a _____. A ______ doesn't need any defending"
Lion. A Lion doesn't need any defending
I tried it and it _____ __ ____.
changed my life
Name all 3 Langues the bible was written.
Hebrew Greek Aramaic
what was the life-changing experience for the man in AA "Alcoholics Anonymous "
the light flashing outside his room
some people believe you cant use the ____ to prove the _____ because it's circular reasoning
bible to prove the bible
How many different authors wrote the bible?
the man who was in prison and had a "life-changing experience" was named.
Malcolm X
The bible has been translated too many times. So it is hard to believe it.
when the bible is translated like NIV. It comes from the oldest writings, to reduce the "telephone game" effect.
Name 4 different types of authors in the bible i.e. fisherman
Kings, Generals, Doctors, Historians
List the three reasons the college professor disagreed with the student on why the bible is true.
1. If the bible was able to give you all the knowledge why do you need me?
2. If your parents who raised you gave you all the answers. then why do you need me?
3. Haven't you learned things that weren't true. i.e. "Stop making a face or your face will get stuck like that."
What was the statement that the girl gave the professor when he asked her why she believes in the bible???
It's a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses that report supernatural events that took place in fulfilment of specific professes. And that calm to be divine rather than human in origin.