What is the name of the king that wanted to kill baby Jesus?
What is the greatest season of the church?
The Easter Season
What is the first day of Triduum?
Holy Thursday
When does Lent begin?
Ash Wednesday
Name one person who did the reading at Mass.
Anton or Viviana
Who was Elizabeth pregnant with?
John the Baptist.
How long is the Easter Season?
50 days
What is the second day of Triduum?
Good Friday
How long is Lent?
40 days
When does the Christmas season end?
The baptism of the Lord
What is the name of the angel that came to Mary in her sleep?
Angel Gabriel
What day does the Easter Season end?
Pentacost Sunday
What is the third day of Triduum?
Holy Saturday
How long is Lent when you include the Sundays?
46 days
Name one person who was alter serving during today's Mass.
Megan, Grace, Anastacia Brown
What are the 3 gifts that the Wise Men brought baby Jesus?
Gold, Frankincense, and myrrh
What are the colors of Easter?
White and Gold
What does Almsgiving mean?
How do people usually celebrate Lent?
They give up something.
Which song did the pianist play while the pastor sang?
We Three Kings
Why was Joseph about to divorce Mary?
He thought that she cheated on him.
Why do we celebrate the Easter Season?
It's the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ
What does the color red means in Triduum?
The blood of Jesus
What do people have to abstain from on every Friday during Lent?
Who carried the cross during mass?
Anastacia Brown