Prejudice and Discrimination

These are our mental organization systems. When we learn something new, we try to fit it into these.

What are cognitive schemas?


This is learning culture.

What is socialization?


Shawn is a junior in high school, and he is busy applying to colleges. Some kids in his high school go to parties on weekends, and sometimes get in trouble with their parents and the school. Shawn doesn't join in because he doesn't want to ruin his chances of going to a good college. And besides, he is too busy with extracurriculars. This is the theory that describes why Shawn isn't deviant.

What is social control theory?


That Harvard IAT measures this.

What is implicit bias?

A group has to complete a math problem together. One of the women in the group challenges a man's opinion, and the group sees her as deviant. This is the theory that describes this scenario.

What is status violation theory?


This theory describes how our self-concepts shape our behaviors.

What is identity theory?


Values, norms, beliefs, and knowledge are all examples of this type of culture.

What is nonmaterial culture?


Alyssa has never made a lot of money, and she hasn't been able to get a better job. However, all her life, everyone around her has led her to believe that money is super important. She has started to take money from the cash drawer at work. This theory describes her deviance.

What is structural strain theory?


The way in which race is defined has changed throughout U.S. history and is different in other countries. Additionally, race has no biological basis. This means that race is ________

What is a social construct?


Jaywalking, underage drinking, and speeding are all examples of things that break the law, but are not _______

What is deviant?


Sam is trying to create a good impression at an interview, so he lies about his past experience. According to the dramaturgical approach, this is the term for using language to mislead others.

What is deceit?


Jessica is really good at soccer, but she hasn't always been. Through hours of practice, coaching, and time spent with her soccer friends, she has gradually improved her skills. This indicates the importance of ________ in shaping her abilities.

What is nurture?


This mechanism of social control is the most effective because it operates through guilt.

What is internal control?


This term describes individuals' recognition that anything they do can confirm negative stereotypes about their group.

What is stereotype threat?


Erin spends most of her time taking care of her kids. Even when she isn't with her kids, she finds herself looking out for others' safety. She even tells other adults to be careful when they are crossing the street. This is the concept that describes when an identity is so central to a person's self-concept that they enact it even when it involves breaking social norms.

What is the role-person merger?

Raquel sees herself as an artist. She thinks of artists as creative and smart, and so she tries to act that way. According to identity theory, artist is her identity, and creative and smart are her _______

What is an identity standard?


In Mead's stages of the development of the self, this is the stage where children learn how to take on the role of another person, for example by playing house or school.

What is the play stage?


Thomas is a third-grader, and he gets in trouble a lot at school. Everyone has started calling him the class clown. He now thinks of himself as the class clown, and misbehaves more. This theory describes his deviance.

What is labeling theory?


This is the type of discrimination that occurs when policies in a workplace result in white employees having more opportunities for advancement than employees of color.

What is institutional discrimination?

Jess is a an artist, and a lot of people in their life are also artists or people who appreciate art. According to identity theory, Jess's level of ___________ for this identity is high.

What is commitment?


Al is going to school to become a nurse. His last semester, he takes a theater class as an elective, and discovers he really likes it. He impulsively drops all of his nursing classes and decides to start over and study theater, since he thinks it's important to follow his passions. Al locates his real self within the _______.

What is the "I"?


This provides us with the ability to communicate, role-take, self-regulate, and develop the "me."

What is language?


Jeremy is a high school student. He doesn't get good grades, go to most of his classes, or do any homework because he doesn't believe that education is important. This theory describes Jeremy's deviance.

What is social control theory?


This term describes the belief that everyone is equal, and the failure to recognize that racial inequality is socially structured.

What is color-blind racism?


This approach to socialization explains how children's peer groups take information that they have learned from adult society and actively reshape it to fit with their group's concerns.

What is the interpretive approach?
