What city was Jesus born in
What is his mothers name
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Who sing santa tell me
Ariana Grande
When was Jesus born
Year 0
What is his fathers name
Whoe was Joseph a decsendant of
King David
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How many years ago was chrismat born
Over 2000 years ago
How did Maria come to Betlehem
Riding on a donkey
What was the roman emperors name
Caesar Augustus
What was census used for
To detemaniate the taxes
Who is God son
Finish the scentes
They wrapped the child in a...
What did Joseph do when he found out Maria waas pregnant
He quietly broke the engagement
The angel told the shepards where to find the child but where was that
The town of David
How many people celebrate the child today
Over 2.1 bil
Why does santa not attend christmas feast
He always ends up in the sleigh with an old sack
What was Jesus the son of
God and Messiah
Why did Joseph and Maria have to sleep in a barn
Ther was census
What is the arch angels name
What is Saturnalia
A festival to celebrate Saturn
How many times has last christmas by Wham been played on youtube
938 mil