Name my favorite animal?
~Mistakes are OKAY, keep trying/practicing, don't give up~
Name some feelings in the "Blue Zone" of The Zones of Regulation?
Give an example of a "Trusted Adult"?
What does the letter "A" stand for?
~Awareness-->For Extra 100 if you can think of an example of being "Aware of your feelings"
What is Ms. Durham's Favorite Football Team?
~Cowboys~ OR ~Eagles~ OR ~Commanders~
~E.A.G.L.E.S.....EAGLES!!!! ;-)
How does Brick Brain think?
~It's too hard, I don't want to try/practice, I quit!~
Name some feelings in the "Green Zone" of The Zones of Regulation?
Give an example of a "Breathing Strategy" you have learned?
~Blow Out The Candles~Smell The Cupcake/Blow Out The Candle~
What does the letter "B" stand for?
~Breathe-->For Extra 100 if you give an example of how to "Breathe" or show others how to "Breathe"
True or False: Ms. Durham LOVES The Beach?
TRUE :-)
You have a Math test, you are nervous but you try your best anyway. Are you using your Bubble Gum Brain or Brick Brain?
~Bubble Gum Brain~
Name some feelings in the "Yellow Zone" of The Zones of Regulation?
Give an example of a coping skill you can use in the classroom?
~Put Head Down~Color/Draw~Read A Book~Talk To Staff~
What does the letter "C" stand for?
~Counting--For Extra 100 give an example of "Counting"
What is Ms. Durham's favorite game?
~Ninja Turtle Trouble Game~
You get 1 answer wrong in class, you jump up and run out of the room yelling I'm Stupid!!! Who thinks like this Bubble Gum Brain or Brick Brain?
~Brick Brain~
Name some feelings in the "Red Zone" of The Zones of Regulation?
Give a Coping Skill you can use at home?
~Go For A Walk~Go To Your Room To Calm Down~Talk To A Parent~Breathe~
What does the letter "D" stand for?
~Distance--For Extra 100 give an example of "Distance".
What is Ms. Durham's favorite food?
How can you change from a Brick Brain to a Bubble Gum Brain?
~Take off your wrapper by using the "Power of YET"~
~Extra 100 points if you can explain what "The Power of YET" is?
You got into a fight with a peer and then you sit down to talk to them to resolve the conflict. What do you call this?
~Peer Mediation~
Who can you talk to if you can't talk to your parent or guardian?
~Aunt/Uncle~Grandparent~Teacher~Ms. Durham~Outside Counselor~Coach~
What does the letter "E" stand for?
~Express Yourself--For Extra 100 give an example of "Expressing Yourself".