this author wrote the Percy Jackson series
The Highest paid Male actor in 2024, costing 50 million per move
Who is Dwayne "the rock" Johnson
the landlocked country of mongolia has a navy, what part of the world do they patrol
a single lake on the border from mongolia and russia
what is the name of the donkey
what is a strawberry?
a fruit
The voice behind Stoick from the 'How to train your dragon' movies
Who is Gerald Butler
which continent is in all 4 hemispheres
where is Africa
what is the name of Shreks children
Fergus, Farkle and Felicia
what is the most intelligent dog breed
Border Collie
A male actor known for playing a drug lord in the show "Breaking Bad"
Who is Raymond Cruz
whos is the antagonist in shrek forever after
im thinking of a number between 1 and 10, no decimals
what scientist made a permanent change to the backstory of Superman
who is Neil Degrasse Tyson
This Actress is known for an anthrpormothic animal that does kung fu, leader of the Furious 5 in the movie kung fu panda
Who is Angelina Jolie
what is the larger form of a tsunami generally caused by something large falling into the ocean, most well known occured 65-67 million years ago
What is a Mega Tsunami
The most recent installment in the shrek universe
Puss in Boots the last wish
im thinking of a number between 1 and 10 with 1 decimal place
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the first English word
i, we and who tie for the oldest
this actress, acted in the movie 'Lessons in chemistry
Who is Natalie Weta
what is the flow of ash and liquid sometimes produced when a volcano erupts, moves at 200 miles an hour
What is a Pyrocastic Flow
what word is shreks name based on from the Yiddish language. alternatively what does shrek mean
Shreklekh or Monster
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