Newton’s Laws of Motion
Speed and Velocity
Acceleration and Momentum

Perpetual Motion

How did Newton’s understanding of motion differ from Aristotle’s, and how did Newton use the concept of gravity to explain how planets move in space?

Aristotle believed that an object could only move if it was being pushed or pulled directly. He thought that if you stopped pushing or pulling, the object would stop moving. For example, a cart only moves when you push it, and it stops when you let go.

Newton, on the other hand, realized that objects could keep moving even if nothing was touching them. He understood that a force called gravity can pull on objects from a distance. This is why, for instance, the Earth pulls objects down even though it's not directly touching them. Newton used this idea to explain how planets stay in their orbits. He figured out that the sun's gravity pulls on the planets and keeps them moving around it, even though the sun isn’t touching them.


How are speed and velocity different, and why is velocity a more detailed way to describe how an object moves?

Speed and velocity are both ways to describe how an object moves, but they are not exactly the same. Speed tells us how fast an object is moving. It is the distance an object travels over a certain amount of time. For instance, if you walk 5 miles in one hour, your speed is 5 miles per hour. Speed, however, doesn't tell us anything about the direction you are moving. On the other hand, velocity is more detailed because it includes both speed and direction. For example, if you walk 5 miles per hour to the east, you are describing your velocity. Knowing the direction as well as how fast something is moving gives us a complete picture of its motion. This is important because an object could be moving at the same speed but in different directions at different times, like a boat moving downstream or upstream. Velocity helps us understand not just how fast, but also where an object is going.


Which of the following formulas is used to calculate acceleration?

A. distance divided by time

B. mass times velocity

C. (ending speed - beginning speed) divided by time

D. force times mass

C. (ending speed - beginning speed) divided by time


Which of the following describes the role of friction when two surfaces are in contact but not moving?

A. Kinetic friction

B. Static friction

C. Sliding friction

D. Rolling friction

B. Static friction


Why is it impossible to build a perpetual motion machine according to the laws of thermodynamics?

A. It is too expensive to build.

B. The machine would be too complex to function.

C. It cannot overcome the principles that energy cannot be created or destroyed and heat always flows from hot to cold.

D. Such a machine would violate the law of conservation of mass.

C. It cannot overcome the principles that energy cannot be created or destroyed and heat always flows from hot to cold.


What is Newton’s First Law of Motion, and how does it explain why we need seatbelts in cars?

Newton's First Law of Motion says that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object moving will keep moving in a straight line at the same speed unless a force makes it change. This is also known as the Law of Inertia.

In everyday life, this explains why we need seatbelts in cars. When a car suddenly stops, your body wants to keep moving forward because of inertia. Without a seatbelt, you would keep moving and could get hurt by hitting the dashboard or windshield. The seatbelt acts as an external force that stops your forward motion safely, keeping you secure in your seat.


How do you calculate average speed using a race car as an example, and why might the average speed differ from the actual speeds during the race?

Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. For example, consider a race car driver who completes a 300-mile race in 2 hours. To find the average speed, you divide 300 miles by 2 hours, which gives you 150 miles per hour. This average speed provides a simple way to understand how fast the car traveled over the entire race. However, during the race, the car's speed isn’t constant. The driver speeds up, slows down, and even stops for pit stops. The car might reach speeds of 200 miles per hour on straight parts of the track and slow down to 100 miles per hour on curves. The average speed smooths out all these variations and doesn’t show the actual changes in speed at each moment. So, while the car's speed is constantly changing, the average speed is a simplified way to represent the overall journey.


Explain how you would find the acceleration of a toy car that increases its speed from 3 m/s to 9 m/s in 3 seconds.

To find the acceleration, subtract the initial speed (3 m/s) from the final speed (9 m/s), and then divide by the time taken (3 seconds).

Acceleration calculation:
Acceleration = (9 m/s - 3 m/s) / 3 seconds
Acceleration = 6 m/s / 3 seconds
Acceleration = 2 m/s²


Explain why walking on an icy surface is difficult in terms of friction.

Walking on an icy surface is difficult because there is very little friction between the ice and the soles of our shoes. The high spots on the ice surface do not create enough grip with the shoes, and few electrical attractions form between the ice and the shoe's surface. This lack of friction prevents the shoes from gaining traction, making it easy to slip.


Explain why heat flow from a hotter area to a colder area (the second law of thermodynamics) affects the efficiency of a machine.

The second law of thermodynamics states that heat naturally flows from a hotter area to a colder one. In a machine, this means that some of the heat energy generated during operation is lost to the surroundings, reducing the amount of energy available to do useful work. This loss of energy requires the machine to consume additional energy to continue operating, making it less efficient and preventing perpetual motion.


Can you explain how Newton’s Second Law of Motion works with a simple formula, and give an example involving different weights of objects?

Newton's Second Law of Motion tells us that the force needed to move an object depends on the object's mass and how fast we want it to accelerate. This relationship is described by the formula: 


F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

For example, imagine you have a small toy car and a big, heavy wagon. If you push both with the same force, the toy car will speed up much more than the wagon because it has less mass. The toy car needs less force to change its speed compared to the heavier wagon.


What happens to a ball's speed and direction when it is tossed straight up into the air, and how does this relate to velocity?

When you toss a ball straight up into the air, its speed and direction change in an interesting way. As the ball goes up, it slows down because gravity is pulling it back down towards Earth. Its speed decreases until it reaches the highest point, where it momentarily stops. At this peak, the ball’s speed is zero, but gravity then pulls it back down, and it starts to accelerate again. As the ball falls, its speed increases in the opposite direction. Initially, the ball’s direction is upward, but after it stops and starts coming down, the direction is downward. This changing direction is what makes velocity different from speed. If you only measured the speed, you would miss the fact that the ball is first moving up and then moving down. Velocity takes into account both how fast the ball is moving and the direction it’s going, providing a complete picture of the ball’s motion.


According to Newton’s Second Law, what happens to the acceleration if you apply a greater force to an object?

A. The acceleration decreases.

B. The acceleration stays the same.

C. The acceleration increases.

D. The acceleration becomes zero.

C. The acceleration increases.


What happens to a moving boulder if no additional force is applied, according to Newton’s First Law of Motion?

A. It speeds up.

B. It continues to move indefinitely.

C. It stops due to friction.

D. It changes direction.

C. It stops due to friction.


Multiple Choice:

What was a common feature in early attempts to create perpetual motion machines, such as Villard de Honnecourt's design?

A. Use of electrical power to sustain movement.

B. Incorporation of weights that shift to create momentum.

C. Integration of solar panels to harness energy.

D. Utilization of magnetic fields to reduce friction.

B. Incorporation of weights that shift to create momentum.


Describe Newton’s Third Law of Motion using the example of a rocket launching into space. How do action and reaction forces work in this scenario?

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when you apply a force in one direction, there's a force of the same size going in the opposite direction.

When a rocket launches, its engines push gases downwards towards the ground (this is the action force). According to Newton's Third Law, the reaction force pushes the rocket upwards into the sky. Even though the gases are moving downward, the rocket moves upward because the forces are equal and opposite. This is how rockets lift off and travel into space.


Why is direction important when we talk about velocity, and how can the same speed result in different velocities?

Direction is important when we talk about velocity because velocity includes both speed and the direction of movement. This makes it a more complete description of how an object moves. For example, if two cars are moving at 60 miles per hour, their speeds are the same. But if one car is going north and the other is going south, their velocities are different because they are moving in opposite directions. Even though their speeds are identical, the different directions mean they have different velocities. This is why understanding direction is crucial when discussing velocity: it helps us know not just how fast something is moving, but also where it’s heading. This distinction is essential in many real-life situations, like navigating a plane or predicting where a storm will move next.


What is the unit of force in the metric system and how is it related to mass and acceleration?

The unit of force in the metric system is the newton (N). One newton is defined as the force required to accelerate a mass of 1 kilogram by 1 meter per second squared (1 m/s²).

The relationship between force, mass, and acceleration is given by Newton's Second Law of Motion:
Force = mass × acceleration


How does friction enable a runner to move forward on a solid surface?

Friction enables a runner to move forward by providing resistance between the runner's feet and the ground. When the runner's feet push backward against the ground, the friction between the ground and the feet prevents them from sliding backward. This resistance allows the runner to propel forward.


Describe John Gamgee's attempt to create a perpetual motion machine using ammonia in a steam engine.

John Gamgee attempted to create a perpetual motion machine in the 1880s by replacing water in a steam engine with ammonia. He chose ammonia because it has a lower boiling point than water. His idea was that the boiled ammonia would produce gas, which would then condense back into liquid form. This liquid would be reheated by the high temperature remaining in the engine, ideally creating a continuous cycle. However, he failed to account for the inevitable energy losses and inefficiencies in the process, which prevented the machine from achieving perpetual motion.


Why does a bowling ball have more inertia than a balloon, and how does this affect how much force you need to move each one?

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. The more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. This means heavier objects like a bowling ball resist changes in motion more than lighter objects like a balloon.

Because a bowling ball has more mass, it has more inertia and requires more force to start moving or to stop once it’s moving. On the other hand, a balloon, which is much lighter, has less inertia and is easier to start moving or stop. For example, you need to push much harder to roll a bowling ball across the floor compared to pushing a balloon.


How do the changes in a race car's speed and direction during a race affect the average speed, and why might the average speed not reflect the actual speeds at different moments in the race?

During a race, a race car's speed and direction change frequently. The driver accelerates on straight stretches, slows down for curves, and sometimes even stops for pit stops. These variations mean the car’s speed at any given moment can be very different from its average speed over the whole race. The average speed is calculated by taking the total distance of the race and dividing it by the total time it took to complete. For example, if a race car travels 200 miles in 2 hours, its average speed is 100 miles per hour. This average gives us a simple way to understand the car’s overall speed, but it doesn’t tell us about the car’s speed at every point during the race. At some moments, the car might be going much faster or slower than this average. Therefore, while the average speed is useful for getting a general idea, it doesn’t reflect the actual speeds the car reaches at different times during the race.


What does momentum depend on?

A. Only the mass of the object.

B. Only the velocity of the object.

C. Both the mass and velocity of the object.

D. Neither mass nor velocity.

C. Both the mass and velocity of the object.


Which of the following terms describes the resisting force experienced by a plane as it moves through the air?

A. Lift

B. Thrust

C. Drag

D. Gravity

C. Drag


Which law of thermodynamics explains why energy is not entirely used for work in a machine and some is lost as heat to the surroundings?

A. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

B. The First Law of Thermodynamics

C. The Second Law of Thermodynamics

D. The Third Law of Thermodynamics

C. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
