Why did the inuit move?
Alex and Jasman will see depending on the answer.
what animals did they have to face?
There are many so we will decide.
list one of the supplies.
just name 1
Why was the Canadian government making space for?
For other countries citzens.
what year did they put the wather station?
list two of the supplies.
just name 2
Why did they chose the high arctic.
Becasue no one lived there and it wasent okay for people living there.
What were the weather's like?
And type of answer for the high arctic will be okay.
list three of the supplies.
just name 3
Why did the Inuit chose to move?
Becasue if they didnt they would be fined a lot meaning food would not be in reach.
what did they live in before the houses?
tents and snow huts.
list four of the supplies.
just name four
why did the canadian government ask them to move back?
Alex and jasman will see depending on the answer.
How did the inuit survive in the weather?
Jasman and alex will see depending on the answer.
list five of the supplies.
name 5