Breastfeeding Promo
Peer Counselors !
To establish breastfeeding as the natural and optimal way to feed infants.
What is the purpose of breatfeeding standards
Used to increase the breastfeeding rates, and to assist in breastfeeding counseling in normal brestfedding situations.
What is a Trained Breastfeeding Peer Counselors.
Breastfeeding Training is provided to....
What is all WIC staff.
Multi user or Single user pumps may be given for this reason.
What is enable WIC breastfeeding mothers to initiate and maintain breastfeeding during special circumstances.
Reconcilliation of this shall be done once a month at minimum.
What is invemtory logs and physical iniventory of pumps and supplies.
Referred to positively and assume that ALL women will initiate breastfeeding.
What is all staff shall promote breastfeeding in the clinic environment
Have recieved WIC or are currently recieving WIC, successfully breastfed at least one baby, and have the ability to work outside regular clinic hours.
What are persons who could be recruited as a peer counselor.
When does the Breastfeeding Promotion and Support Module need to be completed?
What is within 6 months of employment.
can be manual or electric and are classified as a personal hygiene item by the Food and Drug Adminstration.
What is a Single-user breast pump.
These must be completely filled out at the time a pump is issued and must contain dates and signatures of participant and WIC staff.
What is loan release agreement forms.
This shall be done when preassembled bags are not available
What is each preganant participant should be given a breastfeeding DVD, a Dad/Partner brochure, and a Grandparent brochure at minimum.
Breastfeeding Peer Counselors fall under the supervision of....
What is the LA Breastfeeding Coordinator, and the WIC Team lead.
WCS and CA must complete this before issuing any pump.
What is Texas WIC IDL's program -01,02 and inventory control.
Local agencies shall not implement this regarding breast pump issuance.
What is more restictive policies than the state agency.
Information to be documented in this includes participant name, breast pump serial number, reason for issuance, date issued, date due, staff initials and documentaion that release form was signed.
What is Multi-User Electric pump log.
Free of Formula products names and or logos including office suupplies, including pens, notepads, and cups.
What is what should all materials distributed or visable to participants be.
The maximum amount of days to work in one calender year.
What is 130
CA's must complete this training within 12 months of employment and repeat no less than every 5 years.
What is Principles of Lactation Management (POLM)
To help in resolving short term breastfeeding concerns; for infrequent infant separartion, and for any other reason determined by the CA, WCS or Peer Counselor.
What are reasons a manual breast pump can be issued.
WIC staff shall not do this until participant returns broken or defective pump, or presents a police report of stolen pump.
What is replace an electric pump.
The amount issued should reflect the amount needed by the participant as authorized by the CA.
What is the participant should not be automatically issued the maximum amount of formula.
Meetings and traings are required this often to comply with state policy.
What is monthly.
WCSs who have completed IDL program 01 and 02 and repeat POLMS no less than every 5 years can do this.
What is counsel on risk codes 602 and 603.
Mothers who must be separated from their infant for 6 hours a week or more, mothers of comprimised infants, mothers who are having difficulty maintaining adequate milk supply and for any other reason determined by the CA, WCS, Peer Counselor, or Lactation Consultant or other designated and trained staff.
What are reasons to issue a single or multti-user electric breast pump.
The LA shall maintain this of all breast pumps and collection kits at all times.
What is a secure and perpetual inventory.