The WIC fully breastfeeding food package has this, which the non-breastfeeding postpartum food packages does not include.
This type of milk can offer variety of flavors for baby to try.
Breastmilk. Depending on maternal diet, it can influence the flavor profile of breastmilk. Baby's especially love strong flavors like garlic!
Small breasts
Yes! Breast size doesn't = more/less milk supply.
Name at least 2 ways to hold baby while breastfeeding.
possible answers: cradle hold, cross-cradle, football, side lying, laid back
Women need to "toughen up" their breasts in preparation to breastfeed baby.
This WIC category is eligible to receive postpartum benefits until baby turns 1 year old.
fully breastfeeding
This type of milk provides baby with antibodies to help build up their immune system health?
True or false. If baby has dimpling in their cheeks, it's a sign that they are latched properly.
Breastfeeding helps with postpartum recovery.
Length of time a mom is eligible to receive WIC benefits postpartum if she is not breastfeeding, or if she is supplementing with more than 3 cans of formula/month.
6 months
Smaller quantity of this type of breastmilk is produced initially, but it contains twice as much protein, and 4 times as much zinc.
Using illicit drugs and/or opioids.
To stimulate baby to open their mouth wide to latch, mom can to this.
rub her nipple on baby's upper lip
You shouldn't breastfeed if you are sick.
Which postpartum categories receive 1 dozen eggs?
partial breastfeeding < half a package, non-breastfeeding
This fatty acid is found naturally in breastmilk, usually added to formula, and is important for baby's brain health and development.
Nipple piercings
Maybe. Could cause an obstruction and lower milk production. Would need to remove piercing before feeding baby to avoid harming their mouth or causing choking hazard.
When assessing milk transfer, we can listen to baby's rhythm for this series of reflexes.
suck, swallow, breath
It is recommended to start breastfeeding within the first hour after birth.
This WIC category receives 48 quarts of milk on their benefits
Fully breastfeeding multiples
This protein found in human milk targets cancer cells and is lethal to tumors when exposed to stomach acid.
alpha lactalbumin (HAMLET)
Diabetic mother.
Yes! Breastfeeding helps protect baby from developing diabetes, It can also help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes for a breastfeeding mom who had gestational diabetes during her pregnancy.
If a mom shares that she is feeling engorged, has cracked or bleeding nipples, and/or extreme discomfort while breastfeeding, this could be a sign of...
poor latch
If women have letdown during pregnancy, they are leaking colostrum and won't have any by the time baby is here.