How old was Ariana when she was in Wicked
31 years old
How old was Cynthia in Wicked
37 years old
Who played Nessarose
Marissa Bode
Who did boq ask to the ozdust
Who played fiyero
Jonathan Bailey
What was Ariana’s favorite song to sing in Wicked
What was Cynthia Erivo’s favorite song to sing in Wicked
Defying Gravity
Who played little Nessarose
Cesily Collette Taylor
Who played boq
Ethan Slater
Did fiyero kiss Glinda in wicked
Yes (at the ozdust)
What does Glinda fly in
A bubble
What color is Elphabas skin
how old was Marissa bode while playing Nessarose
24 years old
Who does Boq like in wicked
How old was Jonathan Bailey in wicked
Around 34
Did Ariana cover her tattoos in wicked
Who is elphabas sister
Who did Nessarose have a crush on
Boq the munchkin boy
How old is Ethan Slater in wicked
32 years old
Did Jonathan get dizzy while singing and dancing in dancing through life
Did Ariana and Jonathan fall in love in wicked
Yes they fell in love as friends
What song did Cynthia hate singing in wicked
None she loved singing in wicked
Why was Nessarose in a wheelchair in wicked
because her mother consumed milk flowers while pregnant with Nessarose. Which caused Nessa to come out too quickly
What color was boqs hair
Orange (red head)
was there actually a horse in wicked
yes and he used the same horse in Bridgerton