Study Timeline Questions
How To Respond To FAQs or Comments From Participants
Contacting Participants
What-If Scenarios
Random Diabetes Questions

When are all the study windows for PWDs to complete assessments? (Not asking what do we send them, asking when do we send them things)

Baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months


PWD says they did not receive the survey link

Resend the survey link (more often than not, text the link but if there preference is to receive surveys via email you can ask them beforehand)


Where do you find the script for any given reminder you may need to send?

All of the scripts are in Box

- Everything is in Box (trainings, protocols, tracking spreadsheet, scripts, timelines, etc.)


What if I am unable to complete my tasks this week for whatever reason?

Let Emily/Charlie know and they will re-assign your tasks for that day

Add the days you intend to miss to Planner as soon as you know you are unable to complete tasks on a given day


Is there a cure for type 1 diabetes?



When are all the study windows for SPs to complete assessments? (Not asking what do we send them, asking when do we send them things)

Baseline, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months


PWD says they will complete the survey and/or kit in the next few days

Thank them, then update REDCap communication notes and Trello accordingly so Emily/Charlie are aware


What should you always first do before sending a kit reminder?

Check kit tracking (go to REDCap to get the tracking number, then copy & paste it into USPS tracking)


What if Google Voice is not working when I am trying to send a text to a PWD/SP?

Let Emily/Charlie know

Proceed with contact using iPlum


What is a CGM?

Continuous glucose monitor is a device that constantly measures blood sugar level


What, if anything, do we send the participant once they have reached the end of the study?

Debriefing letter


PWD responds to address confirmation message with a new address

Ask them if the address change is permanent or temporary

Let Charlie/Emily know via Teams or email

Do not put address on Trello or in communication note


What should you always first do before sending a PWD or SP a survey?

Check on their preferred method for receiving surveys in their Study Info section on REDCap so you know to email or text them the survey link

For SPs only, also check their preferred language


What if I open a text from a patient regarding a coaching session (or something unrelated to anything sent by an RA)?

Let Charlie/Emily know & they will help you with responding appropriately depending on the situation


What is diabetes? Bonus if you can explain the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

An autoimmune disorder where the body no longer produces insulin (in type 2 diabetes the body still produces insulin, but not enough and the body becomes resistant to it; type 1 = no insulin production, type 2 = body doesn't use insulin properly)


True or false: All study windows require PWDs to complete surveys and HbA1c kits. 

False - the 3 month window is only a survey (is only 1 survey assess demographics, so 3 month is much shorter than the other windows surveys, also no kit is required at 3 months)


PWD replies to a kit reminder that they haven't received the kit yet

Let Charlie/Emily know and they will help guide you how to appropriately respond depending on how long it's been since the kit was mailed (if it's only been a week we will wait a few more days before mailing them another kit)

Will always thank PWD for letting us know; safe response if Charlie/Emily are unable to get back to you quickly is something along the lines of "Thank you for letting me know, I will let my team know and we will get back to you! Please let me know if you receive the kit in the meantime:)"


How many times during my designated work period should I check Google Voice and iPlum?

At least 3 times (beginning, middle, end ideally)

What if I am assigned to mail a kit and I am unable to complete the task until after the mail room is closed?

If you are able to, still go to the lab and prep the kit

Let Emily/Charlie know as soon as you become aware, and they will assign someone to drop off the kit to the mail room the next day


What are HbA1c levels? (What the kits we mail PWDs measure.) Bonus if you can tell us a relatively healthy range of A1c levels for people with diabetes

HbA1c is an objective measure of diabetes management that assesses average glucose levels over 3 months

Healthy ranges for people with T1D is below 7.0% (average blood glucose level of 154 mg/dL); Pre-diabetes is 5.7%-6.4%; Above 6.4% is considered diabetes
