My home is Australia. I have brown fur, long tail, short arms, long and strong legs that allow me to jump. I keep my babies in my pouch.
Usually I will be brown. I move slowly on the land but quite fast in the water. I come from eggs. My back is protected with a hard shell. I like to eat jelly fish.
I'm grey and not so big. I have a long nose.I'm considere to be a good fish. I can sing song to communicate. You can attend my shows at the zoo or aquarium. I'm very playful.
Octopus Clam Dolphin Whale
I'm the biggest animal on land. My skin is grey. I have 2 big ears, 1 long nose called trunk, 2 massive teeth called tusks. I use them to protect myself. I'm too heavy so I can't jump.
My skin is dark green or brown. I live in Asia, Africa and America. I prefer wet places such as lakes, rivers and swamps. On the land I need to crawl, but I can swim very fast in the water. I have big sharp teeth and a strong tail, which allows me to jump out of the water.
There are 2 kinds of me: farm and wild. Farm me has white feathers, wild me has brown body with green head. I can swim and fly. I also lay eggs. My eggs are bigger than hen's eggs.
Bear Tiger Gorilla
I'm a big cat. My fur is orange with black stripes. Be careful, 'cos I'm very dangerous. I eat meat of other animals, my legs are strong, my teeth and claws are sharp and I can move quite fast.
I'm brown or green. My body doesn't have legs or arms, so I need to crawl. I don't chew my food, I swallow it. I come from eggs. I look like a hose.
I'm a small bird. I eat rodents and mice at the night. I'm brown and live in a tree. I have 2 huge yellow eyes and I can rotate my head 360 degrees around.
Lions Tigers Giraffes
I'm the tallest animal on land. I have long legs and a long neck, which allow me to eat leaves from the top of the trees. My skin is brown and bej with some spots.
I'm considered to be the most dangerous fish in the ocean. I have 3 fins, more than 100 big sharp teeth and I eat other sea animals. If I swim around, you will my back fin outside the water.
I'm a bird. I have colorful feather. Usually I live in tropical forests.I'm elegant and smart so can repeat some words after you.
Cats Dogs Mice
My skin is grey. I'm smaller than the elephant, but more dangerous. I can't see well, but can smell and hear better. I have a big horn at the end of my nose.
I'm the biggest animal on Earth. I eat small fish and plankton. I'm extremely heavy, but yet can jump out of the water. I can sing songs and make a small fountain.
I'm a brother of panda, but my fur's missing 1 color.
I live on the ice. I have a lot of fat stored inside, so cold water doesn't bother me a lot.
polar bear
Polar bear
Cow Pig Chicken Horse