Wild Card Double Draw Family Members
Wild Card Double Draw Unexpected Life Events
Wild Card Double Draw Mishap Happenings
Wild Card Double Draw Necessities
Wild Card Double Draw Double-Draw

Parental Financial Support: Your parents are facing financial difficulties and require your assistance. Spend double the usual amount to support them during this challenging time and ensure their well-being.

Give your parents $200.00 to help them during this time. 


Child's Extracurricular Activities: Your child is passionate about pursuing extracurricular activities, such as music lessons or sports programs. Spend double the standard amount to enroll them in these activities and nurture their talents.

Pay $200.00 for your child's extra-curricular activities. 


Lucky Break: You stumble upon a valuable antique while cleaning out your attic. Sell it for double its estimated value and enjoy a significant income increase this week.

You receive $200.00 for your sold vase.


Technology Upgrade: Upgrade your business infrastructure with the latest technology to stay competitive in the market. Allocate double the usual amount for IT investments and software upgrades to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Pay $200.00 to upgrade the technology and software at your company. 


Customer Appreciation Event: Show appreciation to your loyal customers by hosting a special event or promotion. However, be prepared to spend double the usual amount on marketing and event expenses to ensure a memorable experience for attendees.

Spend $200.00 on a customer appreciation event. 


Family Reunion Expenses: Plan a memorable family reunion to strengthen bonds and create cherished memories. However, be prepared to spend double the usual amount on travel, accommodation, and event expenses.

Pay $400.00 on the family reunion planning and setup. 


Unexpected Legal Fees: You find yourself embroiled in a legal dispute over a contract misunderstanding. Pay double the standard legal fees to resolve the issue and protect your interests.

Pay $400.00 to settle the legal fees and dispute. 


Family Inheritance: Receive double the usual income as you inherit a significant sum of money from a distant relative. This unexpected windfall provides a welcome boost to your finances, allowing you to invest in future ventures or enjoy some luxuries.

You receive 2x your identified salary/income, your assets are not doubled. 


Home Appliance Malfunction: Your refrigerator suddenly breaks down, necessitating an urgent replacement. Spend double the usual amount to purchase a new appliance and ensure your perishables don't spoil.

Pay $400.00 for a new Refrigerator


Family Business Partnership: Your sibling expresses interest in joining forces and starting a family business together. Enjoy a double income increase as you combine efforts and resources to create a successful venture.

You received $400.00, from your family start up investment


Sibling's Financial Crisis: Your sibling is facing a financial crisis and requires immediate assistance. Spend double the usual amount to help them out of their predicament. While it may strain your budget, family support is invaluable during tough times.

Give your sibling $600.00 to help them with their financial situation


Executive Bonus: As a reward for your exceptional leadership, the board has approved a hefty bonus for you. Enjoy a double income boost this week as a token of appreciation for your hard work.

You receive a $600.00 income boost this week as a token of appreciation for your hard work.


Parental Medical Emergency: A family member requires urgent medical treatment, and you're responsible for covering the expenses. Pay double the standard medical bills to ensure your loved one receives the best care possible. Health comes first, even if it means incurring additional costs.

Pay $600.00 to cover the unexpected medical expenses.


Car Trouble: Your vehicle breaks down unexpectedly, requiring extensive repairs. Pay double the standard cost for repairs and maintenance to get back on the road safely.

Pay $600.00. to have the car repairs fixed


Employee Recognition: Your employees have exceeded expectations, leading to a surge in productivity. Reward them with double bonuses this week to show your appreciation. Happy employees lead to a more successful business.

Pay $600.00 out in employee bonuses. 


Child's Educational Opportunity: Your child has been offered a once-in-a-lifetime educational opportunity, but it comes with a hefty price tag. Spend double the usual amount to enroll them in the program, investing in their future success and personal development.

Pay $800.00 to enroll your child into the new program


Emergency Repairs: Your business infrastructure requires immediate repairs. Spend double the usual amount on maintenance costs this week to ensure everything runs smoothly. Neglecting this could lead to even higher expenses down the line.

Spend $800.00 on emergency repairs. 


Natural Disaster: Your business location has been hit by a natural disaster, causing extensive damage. Pay double the standard insurance deductible to cover the costs of repairs and recovery efforts. Safety measures are paramount in such situations.

Pay a $800.00 insurance deductible.


Unexpected Tax Audit: Unfortunately, the tax authorities have decided to audit your finances, and you receive a notice to pay double the standard amount of taxes this week. Make sure your books are in order!

Pay $800.00 to the IRS for tax debt. 


Celebrity Endorsement: A well-known personality has agreed to endorse your brand, bringing in a surge of customers. Enjoy a double income increase as your sales skyrocket. But be prepared to pay the agreed-upon fees to the celebrity.

You receive an $800.00 payout for increased sales, and a billed invoice for $350.00 for marketing services. 


Family Vacation: Treat your family to a luxurious vacation to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories. However, be prepared to spend double the usual amount on travel, accommodation, and entertainment expenses. While it may strain your finances temporarily, the experiences gained are priceless.

Spend $1000.00 on a family vacation


Legal Troubles: Unfortunately, your company is facing a lawsuit. Pay double the usual legal fees to settle this matter swiftly and avoid further complications. It's crucial to protect your assets and reputation.

Pay $1000.00 to settle the lawsuit dispute. 


Tech Breakthrough: Your research and development efforts have borne fruit. Gain a double income boost from licensing your new technology to other companies. This will surely bolster your financial standing.

Receive $1000.00 payout for research studies.


Strategic Acquisition: You've successfully acquired a rival company, expanding your market share significantly. Enjoy double the usual income from the newly acquired assets. However, remember to manage the integration process effectively to maximize the benefits.

You receive double payout for the total value of your asset card


Market Boom: Congratulations! Your investments have paid off tremendously. Receive a double payout of your current assets' value as a bonus income boost. However, don't get too carried away with spending, as the market can be volatile.

You receive a double payout of your current assets' value.
