This is the correct order of the seasons.
What is...
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall?
This star gives us heat and light.
What is...
The sun?
Rain, snow, sleet, and hail are all types of this.
What is...
This tool shows how hot or cold it is outside.
What is...
a thermometer?
This season is when the leaves fall off trees and the weather gets cooler.
What is...
This is how the sun helps us everyday.
What is...
It gives us heat, light, or helps plants grow?
A tornado, hurricane, flood, and snowstorm are all types of this.
What is...
Severe weather?
This tool shows us which way (or the direction) the wind is blowing?
What is...
a wind vane?
Is it hotter in the shade or in the sun?
What is...
in the sun?
Water in puddles dries up faster when the Sun is shining because of this process.
What is...
When air moves quickly, we call it this.
What is...
We use this tool to measure how much rain falls.
What is...
a rain gauge?
In winter, would the temperature be warmer or cooler than in summer?
What is...
If you leave two cups of water outside, one open container and one closed with a lid, which will evaporate?
What is...
The open container?
These are things we can do to prepare for severe weather.
What are...
get extra food and water, flashlights, blankets, supplies, and listen to weather reports on the radio or TV?
If the wind is blowing hard, this tool helps us measure how fast it's moving.
What is...
an anemometer?